08 | Level Up

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The tension between Daniel and I affected Jane and Jason for the following days. And I couldn't just stand and watch the friendship break apart.

"The three of you... let's talk." I said when I saw them quietly hanging out at the school park benches.

Jane pouted at me as she played with her phone, Daniel didn't look but faced me reluctantly, Jason was the most polite out of them and gave me a smile.

"Jane," I began. "The three signs happened and Lucy wins." Daniel needed to hear this. Jane looked at me with starry eyes but looked away when Daniel gave her a questioning look.

"Wait... what about Lucy winning?" he asked with a frown.

I looked him straight in the eyes and said, "The day Lucy brought me upstairs for a chat at your house, she wanted to make a deal with me that if certain three signs happened, she believed we are meant to be together and so I will have to date you."

Jason and Daniel's face couldn't be painted - shock, uncertainty, and worry were written all over their expression. But somehow, Daniel's had a flicker of hope. Jane bobbed her head happily, the only person who enjoyed the whole complication.

"So, now you have to date Dan because Lucy won the deal? If you could have won, no dating happens?" Jason asked.

Daniel looked stunned but still tried to say something, "I... I didn't know my sister did that. I am sorry," he sighed. "I'll talk to her." His ears turned red from embarrassment.

Jason was in deep thought for a moment then said, "Is that the reason why you were avoiding him? Trying to not let the signs happen?"

"Yeah, I tried. But they happened anyway. I agreed to this, I'll figure this out." I tried to sound like it's a small thing.

Jason tapped his chin. "But you said you can't be involved with boys."

"That's true. The reality is, I cannot be in a relationship. I have studies to focus on, I have grades to monitor, my family is not on par with any of yours, and I don't even know how relationships work! It was already tough enough for me to build this friendship with you, how much difficult would it be for me to be in a relationship with a boy." Ranting made the burden a little lighter.

Jane interjected in a very calm tone, "I think you overthink this too much. I think you take everything about this so seriously."

"If I don't take this seriously, Jane, I could hurt Daniel more than I already have. I refuse to inflict more pain on him... Poor Mokujin taking all the hits," I grumbled.

Jason suppressed a laugh.

Daniel gawked. "Why? How? And Mokujin?! You better be joking! I'm Hwoarang!" He blurted out.

Still very much a kid. I shook my head.

Jane frowned. "Who's Mokujin? Who's Hwoarang?"

Jason answered. "Tekken characters. Arcade game." Jane's nose wrinkled indicating it's not her thing.

I sighed. "My mother will never be in favour of me being involved in dating at my age... I've had enough of her scolding when my brother showed her all the love letters the boys gave me before we left primary," I pouted.

Jane exaggeratedly gasped, "Love letters?! You, sizzling, hot girl!"

Jason bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. Daniel winced, looking hurt and jealous at the same time.

I folded my arms. "I wasn't even at fault! I though they were DIY bookmarks so I kept them! They were folded creatively!"

Jane and Jason laughed out loud until they were crying. I got carried away and laughed, too.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now