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10 years later...

St. Aloysius.

I took a deep breath before I stepped back in the place where amazing encounters happened.

My phone buzzed. I smiled when I saw Jane's name on the screen.

"Hello! I am just here outside, coming in now," I said.

"You might bump into Jason! He said he's close!" Jane said in a loud voice. Her background was a little noisy.

I looked around.


A car stopped beside me. Window rolled down and it was Jason. "Jump in!"

I got in his car.

"Hi, Jasoooon!" Jane screamed at the top of her lungs from the other side of the phone. We laughed.

"See you!" I said and disconnected the call.

"Good to see you! How are you?" He asked. "Why are you walking?"

"I'm good! I was just trying to feel some high school vibes. Hey... You look amazing today!"

He chuckled. "Thanks."

We've kept in contact for the last ten years and met for a few times. Busy schedules at work and far workplaces didn't allow us to see each other too often.

Jane was now managing their family business while starting her own, Jason became an apprentice of his father in their own architecture firm, while I managed to become a doctor by blood and sweat, working while studying and maintaining grades. I did it, though which made me really proud of myself for coming this far.

Jason parked the car and we saw Jane bouncing around waiting for us to get off.

She ran to me and gave me a tight hug, Jason joined in. "How are you? I missed you!" she screamed.

We chatted nonstop as we walked from the car park to the beautifully decorated function hall of the school.

"So, how's your lovelife?" I asked. She mentioned she has a boyfriend but was stingy with information.

She showed me her diamond ring, and wiggled. "I'm engaged!" We both screamed and jumped while holding hands.

"Who's the lucky guy?" I was so excited.

Jane just smiled. Jason rubbed his nape. It took me a few seconds before I got the message. I gasped.

"Oh. My. God. Seriously? Jason?!"

They both nodded. "Aaaaahhh! I'm happy for the both of you! Congratulations!" I gave them both another hug. "Why did you keep it a secret?! I feel sad now."

"We didn't want you to feel awkward around us and we didn't know if we are gonna last. Also, it wasn't long since we started dating. We didn't want to risk the friendship, you know," Jane explained.

"When did you pop the question?"

"A few days ago," Jason said.

I felt happy for them. My eyes welled up and Jane immediately gave me a tissue. "Don't waste your make-up, Dr. Caitlin Andrews. You are a stunning headturner today so please, don't cry or you'll make me cry, too and we won't stop crying. I'll tell you all the details later after the event! I promise!"

"You better!" I pouted.

It seemed that they already had feelings for each other before we graduated in high school but tried to ignore it as they went through the same university together and hung out a lot. Jane had a lot of suitors and she had one failed relationship, Jason was her shock absorber and shoulder to cry on.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now