12 | Thank You, Next

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It's been several months now and Daniel and I missed many celebrations when we were supposed to be wishing each other good things and exchanging greetings. Birthdays, holidays, events, anything.

He looked like he has moved on as his brown eyes would give me just plain, blank stares instead of sad ones.

When the girls have noticed that I wasn't as often seen with him as I used to, they made a move on him by giving him gifts and letters which he politely accepted. I believed that that was his way of finding someone. Which to me was totally fine.

I didn't know James was pursuing me until the boys have asked many times when I started dating him. I said we weren't and told them that we were just friends. They said we looked like we were in a relationship. I denied it many times and I just laughed it off. They believed I was playing I'm-a-hard-to-get type of game.

I thought he was joking. Turned out, he's not. He insisted that he was the boy for me and I was the girl for him. Most girls hated me for it because he's their dream boy but I can't really get him out of my sight no matter what I do.

Jason, on the other hand, chose to hide his feelings and remain friends with me. Which helped repair my relationship with Michelle.

Summer break came and we didn't see each other much. Jane invited me to her house many times but I refused to come because I knew Daniel would be there so she came to my house and visited me instead. We went out window shopping a few times.

Jason stayed in the park most of the time. Whenever I see him, I would sit with him and we would just chat for long hours. He admitted that he knew I would pass by and that's the only time he could see me so he fancied his chances.

And then we moved up another year level.

Everyone was happy to return to school and meet friends again. 

The awkwardness between Daniel and I started to get thin. I saw him come in the classroom and he looked good and well. I couldn't help but smile knowing that he has finally moved on. He saw me smiling and he smiled back, although a little on the stingy side. But that's a step forward. He greeted some of our classmates with enthusiasm.

"Hi!" Charlotte walked over to him and he smiled at her. She stood in front of him with clasped fingers and wriggling like she was expecting something.

He bit his lip, looked at her blushing face and took one of her hands, held it and pulled her towards her seat. They sat beside each other. Others noticed and teasing began.

Charlotte pretended to feel all shy but she was actually pretty much enjoying the attention.

"You, two, dating?" asked James blandly then glanced at me. I looked away. He might think I was jealous.

Charlotte giggled and nodded her head. Our classmates congratulated them. Would it have been the same if we revealed our relationship before? Prolly not.

"Congratulations, Daniel. One man down," James grinned. Daniel clenched his jaw.

I sensed someone standing in front of me and I was so familiar with his scent I didn't need to look up to see who it was.

"Good morning! Nice to see you again!" I greeted him but my eyes were on my notebook.

He held my chin and gently lifted it up. I met his eyes.

He looked serious. He grabbed my wrist, and in the middle of loud shouts for the new couple, he dragged me out of the classroom which made everyone stare at us instead.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused.

"Let's go somewhere, just the two of us.. so I can finally do something to you that I've never done before." he said in a loud voice.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now