11 | After-effects

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I didn't know going to school could become a big struggle after a break up.

I dragged my feet whenever it touches the ground. My exam scores were not brilliant. I knew I was moving forward but seeing Daniel everyday with a sad expression just made me feel guilty.

I became a lot quieter and I spent most of my free time in the library. Daniel stopped talking to me but still joined us for group meals or chit chats although there's lesser and lesser conversation because I just bury my head on my desk. Jason and Jane were getting affected, too.

I was spacing out as I walk towards the library. James walked beside me but I wasn't paying him any attention.

"Still quiet... Did you have a falling out with your friend?" he snickered discreetly.

I continued walking and ignored him. I didn't want him to state the obvious.

"If you had gone out with me, you wouldn't have to be in this situation."

I stopped and looked at him with blank eyes. "If I dated you, I would have killed myself by now."

He sighed. I walked into the library, chose a book and sat at a corner. James sat beside me.

He leaned his face close to me, "What happened? Tell me. Once you release it, you'll feel better, trust me."

I sighed. I opened the book on the first page but I just stared at the words on it. I was thinking if it will really help if I vent out everything with James. He's been bothering me for days knowing that something between Daniel and I happened. He's got good intuition.

I couldn't think or read properly anyway so I spoke, "I would've transferred to a different school."


"My mum learned about it."

"About the deal?"

I shook my head. "After the deal."

He was quiet for a bit, I sensed he was pondering about the very little information he got from me. "So you did go out with him and your mum learned so you stopped?"

I nodded and turned the book to the second page. Realising I didn't know how the story started, I flipped back to the first page.

"She wanted you to focus on your studies... understandable. She wanted the best for you. But I know it still hurts. The problem is, you can't answer, 'mum, I want none of your choices for me!'," James mimicked a female voice which made my lip curl up a little.

I exhaled slowly to gather my thoughts and feelings together.

"Look, if you need a shoulder to cry on, I am here. I am your friend. I'll listen to you." James could be a good person sometimes. He set aside his narcissistic tendencies to hear me out which was praiseworthy.

"You can be helpful sometimes, thank you." I smiled. "I just felt guilty about the whole thing. I knew it's gonna fail, and he knew it, too, but we both took the risk and here we are. He's got it bad. I have a better grip at my feelings than him."

"Anything for you. And I totally understand your plight," he put his arm on my shoulders and lightly squeezed me. "But you know, the option for dating me is still on the table."

I chuckled. "You're opportunistic."

He smiled. "I am."

"Now go away. I am done with this soppy conversation."

Daniel was watching without us knowing. It's like rubbing salt on wound.

Days passed and nothing changed between Daniel and I. I have left the three of them and did my own thing alone — lunch, snacks, free time, walk home, etcetera.

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