15 | The Prom

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At last!

We were at the tail end of high school and the amount of relief I felt for nearly finishing a milestone was massive while the stress of the upcoming university studies tripled. But yes, I wouldn't focus on that just yet because right now, the priority was the prom.

Jane was so excited to finally see me looking all female in my dress that she decided to pick me up from my house early and headed to her place to get ready.

She picked a sleeveless, ombre blue-peach dress for herself. Mine was a laced off-shoulder, emerald green dress. She had her hair fixed with braided crown, and lightly curled. She helped me since I had no idea what suited me. She had my hair in beach waves with waterfall braids. She did my makeup, too. 

She clapped when she finished her masterpiece. "There you go! Gosh, Caitlin, I can barely recognise you!" She exclaimed as she took a long stare at my face.

"Thank you! You look amazing, too!" I smiled widely while we both looked at her mirror.

She wore a high heeled shoes while I opted for a lower heeled one. We took photos before we set off.

Jason asked Jane to be her prom date which she accepted wholeheartedly. James has already made me promise that I would be his prom date a year before now. Girls have asked him and he rejected them all. I thought I wouldn't be asked by anybody... I was wrong. I had to reject a few guys, too... because of James.

"James is going to drool over you," she giggled.

"Jason, I think, will be your real boyfriend after this," I commented.

She waved her hand. "We're best friends! I'm gonna say no to that," she grinned. But in reality, the two of them have become too close.

For the past few years, I have embraced a life of being with friends, enjoying other's company, and being a better person than I was before. And I have never regretted any of it.

The doorbell rang.

Jane and I looked at each other and rushed out her room. She peeked at the peephole and mouthed 'James'. She quickly got away from the door to allow me to open in.

James face radiated like no other. I didn't expect to see him so manly and sexy. When he saw me, his face lit up and the initial nervousness I saw disappeared. He has a plastered smile as his eyes checked my entire look.

"You look absolutely stunning," the sincerity travelled to my bones and gave me goosebumps. I felt my face get warm.

"I had to prepare well for my dashing and gorgeous date tonight." I grinned. I never expected I was going to be with the most popular guy in school for prom.

He took my hand and tied a white rose corsage on my wrist. And I pinned his boutonniere on his jacket after.

"Shall we?" He offered his elbow. I wrapped my hand around it and we left for his car. Jane was wriggling with excitement as we left. Jason arrived to pick Jane up before we drove off.

James and I remained good friends as he promised. If anything, our affair before made us closer together because we got to know each other on a deeper level. He didn't try to ask me to date him again after that and he actually dated another girl just recently which didn't really last. He became more popular among girls as he matured.

The function hall was quite full already by the time we arrived. For every event that has happened in this place, James has always been my escort. On our table, there are five partners seated together, including Daniel and Charlotte, who were already there. 

As we walked in the crowd got quiet because, as usual, the dream boy has stepped in. I could just feel the girls' eyes rolling on me but were sparkling when they looked at James. I would never be used to fancy events like this. Everyone looked like royalty and wore expensive outfits and accessories.

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