10 | Conclusion

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It's been nearly two months since we started 'dating'. 

Our classmates have started noticing the difference between my interaction with Jason and my closeness to Daniel. Jane would try to pour cold water on the whispers if they started getting big. She would take Daniel away from me and push Jason towards me.

Jason and I would start hanging out on our own... like now.

"Jane told me you are dating," his voice was low to prevent others from overhearing.

"Um-hmm." I looked down. I didn't know what to say to him after he expressed his feelings that he would wait for me.

"Why did you go for it?" His voice still low.

The decision I chose made my life a little more colourful, a lot more exciting, and the obvious reason was way outside of my comfort zone. It was like a blind jump but the drop was fun anyway, even though I knew it wouldn't end good.

I shrugged. "I didn't really understand my own feelings back then. You know how strictly rational I was."

He smiled. "I do like the changes that happened to you. Your smile brightens up my day."

Jason has become more open to his feelings with me. We were definitely growing and changing as we spend time with each other. I remembered when we were both having similar boring vibes. I never thought a time will come that we are gonna decide to break our bubbles and experience things.

"I'm Harry, you're Cho, Daniel's Cedrick," he said.

I laughed. "You watched the movies or you read the books?"

"I don't really like reading so I binge-watched the movies since you made the expelliarmus joke and I didn't get it." His cheeks reddened with a little embarrassment

I grinned. "Well done you!" 

Michelle once said that Jason was crazy over me, one thing I would say about it that if it was true, he was good at hiding it. I wondered what it would be like if Jason and I dated instead of Daniel? I guess it will be different. We would just chill a lot. Nothing adventurous.

Jason laid down on the bench and used his hands as pillows.


Jason looked at me.

"You have to find your Ginny."

And he understood.

Daniel was getting me to try a lot of new things. We go places. He was very outdoorsy. In return, I do the same for him. We stay in, read books, watch movies and play board games or video games.

I got home that evening and my mother was in my room, sat on my bed with her arms folded. She was holding Jane's phone in her hand. I panicked but tried my best not to show it, although, I knew she could read my mind.

"Whose is this?" She said in a low tone of voice trying to control her anger.

"Jane. She lent me it." I couldn't move.

"Why? Because you don't have one and she pities you? Don't you have pride?" Her voice was starting to build up.

"Mum, Jane is my best friend. We help each other. She needs help with homework sometimes and doesn't know how to contact me," which was true but not the main reason.

"So... who is Dan?"

'Oops.' I swallowed. My lips went dry and my ears rang like I won't be able to hear ever again.

She looked me straight into my soul. I gulped. "Why does the notification message from her say: Sorry I took your boyfie Dan earlier. The gossips are too much!"

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