03 | House Invasion

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Students developed a habit of inviting everyone to their place to hang out during weekends... but it was mostly for bragging purposes, I think. And speaking of invitations, one came from Daniel.

"Come to my house on Saturday before lunch, parents wanted to meet my friends," he announced as he stood tall and proud in front the room.

We've become close, but that didn't mean I have totally opened up to him. Visiting him in his house is not something I would do... I have refused many invitations, not only because I was a party pooper, but because accepting someone's invitation could get me tied to a silent promise of returning the favour... But yeah, mostly because I was a party pooper.

My house was small and pretty shabby, that's for sure. They came from well-to-do families... I don't. It's not that I am embarrassed about it, it's just the act of showing off is not my thing because I have nothing to brag about but my good grades.... Alright! It's just inferiority complex reasons. Ugh.

Some of his friends shouted hoorays of excitement. He walked over and stood in front of me. "You're com—"


"You didn't even let me finish. What a killjoy you are," he sounded hurt.

"Uh-huh," I bobbed my head as I continued writing on my notes.

"Why not?" Jason interrupted.

"Oh, I thought you were my friend, Jason. You should already know the reason." Social convention is stupid according to Sheldon Cooper.

"I think you are uncomfortable of the idea that we will want to come to your house next time," Jane said matter-of-factly.

"That's the top reason." There's no point in lying.

"I will not force you if you don't want to invite us to your house, but please come to mine," Daniel insisted.

"Why?" I frowned.

"Because you are my friend!" He looked upset for reasons I don't get. Why was he so fixated on this?

"You won't die if I am not there." My argument could go extremely weird sometimes just so I can get away from things.

"I won't die but I will be sad." He's not for giving up.

"Such a kid." I shook my head.

"Call me any name you want. I still want you there." Daniel looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Give it a chance. Maybe you will actually enjoy it. We don't care if you don't talk, or if you just stay with Jane, or stay in one corner. But being there is something for the friendship." Jason tried his best to convince me.

"Using the friendship card now huh, Jason?" I raised my brow. Jason grinned. "I'll think about it."

Daniel did a fist pump like a boy who has just been given a candy. He gave me his address on a piece of paper.


Saturday came and I told my mother that Jane invited me to her house. She'd give me a mouthful if I said I'd be in a boy's house and surely won't let me leave. I decided to go because Jane and Jason didn't stop pestering me the whole week.

I don't have a phone because my mother said it's a distraction. And I just accepted that. The console we have at home was my parents' gift to my brother who has been doing well at school, too. I just had to prove myself to them so I could request whatever gift I want. I'm a daddy's girl and he usually gives me small things that I want as long as he can manage to sneak anything... but my dad's scared of my mother, too.

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