06 | Second Sign

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For the past few days, I tried distancing myself from Daniel. And he might have started noticing it.

He blocked my way as I was on my way to the library. "Is there something bothering you?" he asked, his face showed worry and sadness.

"No, everything is fine," I said and walked past him.

"Lucy told you something, didn't she?" He put his hand up on his sides.

"No, you are wrong." I condemned myself for lying, I felt ashamed so I continued walking without looking back.

I have been spending my free time in the library because my friends cannot keep quiet and this is the only place they hate to spend their day. I felt bad about my actions but I had to figure things out on my own how best I should approach this.

Jane pouted every time I say I'm headed for the library. She tried to stop me, pulled me back, or kept me on my seat, but I was stronger than that tiny girl.

"You are being a killjoy," she would say. "I am not going to talk to you anymore," although she couldn't help herself but talk to me when she sees me, and "Caitlin, you are annoying," I would reply with, "Oh, you know I am," and she would pout again.

I was not sure how to feel. Daniel was a catch. He's adorable, but to me, he was just a friend. I didn't feel any spark of intimacy or any heart-fluttering moment when I was with him. It seemed unfair to him that he would get tied to this deal that he didn't know anything about and date someone who never felt the same way.

But we were young and silly... so we get swayed by people around us easily. Like how Lucy made me agree to this darn deal that is now ruining my friendship with him.

James appeared on the other side of the bookshelf I was exploring. "Hey, did you give it a thought?"

Oh... I have forgotten that I just added another problem to my already complicated situation.

"No." I answered blandly. I moved to the next section to get away from him. He stood beside me and blocked the spines of the books with his hand so I glared at him.

"Why? Don't you like me?" he pretended to sound upset, pouting his lips.

"I don't, plus, with all the girls lurking around you, I will be killed in no time. Shoo!" I kept my voice down but firm.

James didn't get intimidated with how angry I look at him. He still managed to laugh and took it as a joke.

"Just keep in mind, you have your own will. Don't be carried away by the deal. Also, try observing how you feel about people without overthinking it. Maybe you'll find a solution." He winked and vanished away as quickly as he appeared.

I took out a Nancy Drew book and sat in a corner. I have to busy myself but Daniel's puppy face kept popping up in my head. I closed the book and slouched on my seat.

Setting aside the silly deal, was there a point when Daniel made me smile for no reason? I do remember myself blushing when he held my hand last time. And how that flower did make my heart skip a beat. I shook my head smiling and went back to reading.

Lee sat beside me, "Caitlin, don't be overly consumed by your book, it's nearly time to go back to class," he whispered as he put a box on top of my open book. "Someone wants to give this to you... And this, too," he put a card on top of the box.

My brows furrowed. "Who is this from?"

"Can't say, bye!" he left quietly.

I open the folded card and it read:


I must've done something you didn't like. I've noticed you've been avoiding me. Whatever it is, I would like to say sorry.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now