13 | Battle of Couples

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I told Jane and Jason about the agreement I had with James. She was shocked and half-mad that I would play his games but she also felt better that I have not stayed in my shell. Jason thought it was a bad idea but supported me anyway. Both of them said they will keep the relationship thing a secret.

James and I have been spending our free time together for a week now until someone had the guts to ask him.

It was Willow. "So tell me, are you a couple?"

"Yes," James answered.

"No." I replied. We both looked at each other.

He grinned. Cheeky boy. I shook my head but I was smiling.

"I knew it. Anyway, congrats and you look good together. Gosh, Caitlin," she shook her head. "You are one great girl for making this person change so much," she laughed and walked away but as she reached the middle of the classroom, she shouted, "Guys, my cousin's unavailable! Stop asking me to give your letters to him, alright?" She laughed as she left.

I pretended to shout, "Don't believe her!"

James seemed to enjoy teasing me. Weirdly enough, I don't feel bad about it.

"She's your cousin?" I was surprised.

"Yes. And she knew how much I like you," his smile reached his eyes.

"Does she..." I wondered if she knew how this agreement began.

"Yes, she does."

"Was that all an act just now?!"

He nodded, suppressing his emerging laughter.

I gasped in shock and hit his shoulder while he laughed out loud.

"I kinda want to kill some love birds. They're quite noisy," Jane arrived and sat in front of us. I mouthed "sorry". She winked.

Jason sat beside Jane and said, "I still can't believe you entered another weird relationship, Cait. Your rational self has evaporated into thin air."

"I guess this is me rebelling," I chuckled. I just stopped caring anymore. I wanted to experience many things and if I overthink everything, I would be left behind. Call it a YOLO.

James butted in. "At least I got Caitlin by actually pursuing her... and being a little opportunistic, not by some mad signs and deal."

Jason smiled at me, "Anyway, your ex has moved on, too. So it's quite fair." He turned to James, "And you better not do anything weird."

James gave him a thumbs up.


Our year level's festival was set early. It was just perfect for the beginning of the school year so we could focus on our studies after. My results last year were great. But not as great as I wanted them to be, so this time, I would really make sure I deliver.

I prepared for the event. James told me what he's going to wear and asked me if I could try and match mine up with him. I didn't want to make much effort but I also didn't want to fail him.

He wore a white inner tee and topped it with a capri blue long sleeve button shirt that he folded to his elbow paired with black ripped jeans and white sneakers. So I wore a sky blue v-neck chiffon blouse tucked in black denim jeans, and hidden wedge sneakers. Jane helped me curl my long hair beach wave style.

James walked over to me, all gentlemanly, "Still looking amazing, miss. May I have the pleasure to escort you today?"

I laughed and held onto his elbow as he led me to our area. Eyes followed us as we walked past them. James slowed down and proudly smiled at everyone.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now