Chapter 1

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Ava Grindelwald sat in the corner of her cell, her notebook open and her pen moving.

The moment Ava was born, her mother tried to take Ava away from Grindelwald, but he killed her. But just moments before, Ava's mother managed to contact the MACUSA. They arrive just after Ava's mother was killed, but managed to 'rescue' Ava. But instead of being placed with a loving family, Ava was jailed. When she was a baby. How did Ava know this? Well, she was a seer, talented one, too. Ever since the MACUSA found out, Ava had been instructed to draw every vision. She was being used, and Ava did not like this.

Because of this, Ava hated the MACUSA—but she also hated Grindelwald. Ava knew a war was coming—and she wouldn't take sides in it.

The door of Ava's cell suddenly opened and an Auror entered and pressed his wand to Ava's throat.

Three more Aurors came in after the first, with three new people.

Once the new prisoners were in the cell, all four Aurors left, locking the cell door behind them.

The three people sat down, and one of the newcomers put his head in his hands.

Silence filled the cell, the only noise that could be heard was the sound of a pencil sketching on paper.

Eventually, a woman who Ava recognized as Tina Goldstein broke the silence. "I am so sorry about your creatures, Mr. Scamander. I truly am."

The silence continued.

A man, in a quiet voice, turned to Tina and said "can someone please tell me what this Obscurial—Obscurius thing is?"

"There hasn't been one for centuries—" Tina started softly.

"I met one in Sudan three months ago." Another man interrupted. "There used to be more of them but they still exist. Before Wizards went underground, when we were still being hunted by muggles, young Wizards and witches sometimes tried to suppress their magic to avoid persecution. Instead of learning to harness or to control their powers, they developed what's called an obscurius."

"It's an unstable, uncontrollable dark force that bursts out and—and attacks... and then vanishes..." Tina translated for the first man. She turned to the second man. "But Obscurials can't live long, can they?"

"There's no documented case of any Obscurius surviving past the age of ten." The second man agreed. "The one I met in Africa was eight when she—she was eight when she died."

"What are you telling me here—that Senator Shaw was killed by a—by a kid?" The first man sounded shocked.

Ava finally spoke. " No," her voice was croaky due to the lack of use. "A child does not know nor can control it. The child is merely the host, the Obscurius is in control when the child loses control. The Obscurius kills, not the child."

The first man started at Ava. "Who are you?"

Tina answered for Ava. "This is Ava Grindelwald. Grindelwald, this is Jacob Kowalski and Newt Scamander."

"Thank you for the introduction, Goldstein." Ava said dryly.

Newt looked up. "Grindelwald's your father."

"Not anymore." She said with no emotion. "He lost that title a long time ago."

"What are you in for?" Jacob asked.

Ava gritted her teeth. "Nothing. The MACUSA put me in here when I was a baby. Just because of Grindelwald."

"You're his daughter." Tina said. "We couldn't risk—"

"Me becoming a cold blooded murderer like him?" Ava shot back, her emotionless cover breaking. "Do you really think being treated as a murderer for thirteen years would make me not be one?"

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