Chapter 10

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Ava was back at the cliffside

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Ava was back at the cliffside. The woman in front of her was no longer looking elegant and graceful, but more like a warrior. Instead of the white dress, she was now wearing a suited armor of gold and her hair was loose.

"Ava," the woman smiled. "I believe you want answers."

The girl nodded. "I—um—yes..." She was confused. Her mind was a hurricane of thoughts. She needed answers. "Um—are...are you my mother?"

"Yes I am." The woman's eyes were soft. "And I am disappointed we did not get much time together, but I am proud of the person you have become."

"Who are you?" Ava whispered.

"I am Abene Altamura. Known as the Lady Of The Cliffside." She examined Ava. "I see you take after your father in your appearance, but after me in your thought manner."

Ava's voice hardened. "I don't have a father. Grindelwald and I only share blood."

Abene laughed. "Same fire as I have, I see."

"I'm glad I take after you..." she hesitated. "Do I have any siblings? Or an aunt, uncle, and that sort?"

"You do not have any breathing kin on my side. Or siblings. It's unfortunate to say that your—sorry—Grindelwald slaughtered them all."

"Why did you join him?" Ava demanded, her mind whirling. "Why did you?"

"I choice I did not have." Abene said quietly. "Maybe I shall tell you the story some day, but not today. Farewell, my dear one, until we meet again."

"Wait!" Ava called desperately as the cliffside started to blur. "No! Don't leave!"

"Leaving forever I am not," her mother's voice rung in her ears. "Peace, my dear one, and we shall meet again."


Ava woke up in a bed. Unfamiliar surroundings. White walls. Kidnapped again, maybe? Panic made her body stiffen. Where was she? She sat up, finding herself in a white hospital gown.

"You're awake." A voice made Ava jump. Someone entered the ward.

He was wearing lime-green robe and an emblem embroidered on his chest: a wand and bone, crossed. He had brown hair and bright aqua blue eyes.

"Where am I?" Ava rasped, surprised at how unused her voice sounded. "Who are you?"

"You're in St. Mungo's." The man smiled. "I'm Healer Bureau."

"How long have I been out for?"

"Two days.


"Calm down." He advised. "You used a lot of energy saving Paris—by the way, the Daily Prophet would like an interview, they've asked to be notified immediately when you wake up—but we won't if you'd prefer to see your family first."

She flinched at the words 'family'. "I don't have one of those," she said quietly. "A family, I mean."

He looked sympathetic. "Well, what about Newt Scamander?"

Ava perked up at the name. "He's here?"

"Hasn't left your side until now—we had to force him to go home and shower. He should be back any minute—"

As if on cue, Newt entered the room, his eyes widening when he saw Ava. "You're awake."

"I am."

"You're a hero."

"I am?"



A few days ago, fourteen-year-old Ava Grindelwald went to the rally that took place in Paris, held by no other than Gellert Grindelwald, not to join her father, but to stop him.

Based on the account of eyewitnesses, Ava refused to join her father when offered, and fought off the powerful flames casted by Grindelwald for her friends and those who she knew would stay on the right side.

"She was fantastic," Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, commented. "She wouldn't let anything take her down—fighting the cursed flames coming for her at every angle. She reminds me of an Antipodean Opaleye, especially when the flames she summoned, using the same spell as the rest of us did, were a very vivid scarlet, the exact shade as an Antipodean Opaleye's flames. Such an innocent girl—she doesn't deserve the cruelty she's treated with by most people."

Ava was a prisoner of the MACUSA since she was a child, due to her relations to Grindelwald. After thirteen years of imprisonment, she somehow escaped, leading to the capture of Grindelwald a year ago. It is said to believe that due to her unnecessary and unjustified imprisonment, she holds a grudge against the MACUSA to this day

Ava stopped reading there. "Newt!" She complained, setting aside her cereal. "Why did you say that!"

"Say what?" He looked her her shoulder and flushed. "I was under stress, alright? The questions came out of the blue—"


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