Chapter 5

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Ava Grindelwald sets next to Newt Scamander in a dingy waiting area. She looked at Newt's wrist when something caught her eye.

Pickett, a Bowtruckle, was swinging on a loose thread in Newt's cuff.

The thread snapped. Pickett fell. Newt's button rolled away down a corridor. Newt, Ava, and Pickett watched it go.

A beat.

Newt and Pickett both chased after it. Newt got there first.

Ava narrowed her eyes when a woman who she recognized as Leta Lestrange, approach Newt.

They exchanged few words, then Newt turned around and motioned for Ava to come. She got up and strode across the room.

"Ms. Lestrange," Ava greeted, her tone emotionless.

"Ava," Leta smiled. "How are you?"

"As fine as I have been the last three months. I wasn't aware you worked here."

"Theseus thought it would be good if I became part of the Ministry family."

"Did he actually say the words 'Ministry family'?" Newt asked.

Leta let out a little laugh. They headed off along the corridor, tension in the air.

"That does sound like my brother," Newt commented.

"Theseus was disappointed you two couldn't come to dinner." Leta told them. "Any of the nights we asked you."

"Well, we've been busy." Newt said.

"He's your brother, Newt," Leta scolded gently. "He wants to spend time with you. And so do I."

Ava spotted Pickett climbing onto Newt's label. She nudged Newt, who followed her gaze.

He held out his breast pocket of his coat. "Oi, you! Hop in, Pick."

Pickett snuggled down.

Leta smiled. "Why do strange creatures love you so much?"

"Well, there are no strange creatures—"

"—only blinkered people." All three of them finished in sync.

Leta was smiling again. "How long did you get in detention for saying that to Prendergast?"

Newt thought. "You, know, I think it was a month that time."

"And how I set off a Dungbomb under his desk so I could join you, do you remember?"

They came within sight of scary, official doors leading to the meeting room. A man who Ava recognized as Theseus Scamander emerged.

"No, I actually don't remember that." Newt commented.

Rebuffed, Leta came to a halt. Newt and Ava walked away towards Theseus, who was very like Newt, but more outgoing and easier in manner. Ava saw Theseus wink at Leta before turning to her and Newt.


"Theseus." Leta said. "We were just talking about Newt and Ava coming for dinner."

"Really? Well...look, before we go in there, I—"

"It's our fifth attempt, Theseus." Newt interrupted. "We know the form."

"This isn't going to be like the other times," Theseus insisted. "This is...just try and keep your minds open, will you? And maybe a little less—" a wordless gesture indicated Pickett, Newt's blue coat, and his messy hair, then to Ava's cold eyes, messy ponytail, her ripped jeans, and her leather jacket.

"—like ourselves?" Newt finished, and Ava clenched her fists. There wasn't anything wrong with them!

"Well, it can't hurt." Theseus agreed. "Come on, let's go."

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