Chapter 11

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Ava Grindelwald paddled across a lake, the low moon's shine reflecting off of her platinum-blonde hair. She delicately stepped ashore, leaving the bobbing boat behind, Newt Scamander right behind her. With no words exchanged, they started an ascent through a bamboo forest.

It had been six years since Grindelwald's rally, and since then, Ava had grown into a beautiful young woman. Her platinum hair had grown long, her movements were more graceful, and her powers had progressed magnificently. Even at twenty, she was still living with Newt as a helper and sort of as a family member.

Ava felt a jolt of anticipation when a distant cry of an animal echoed evocatively across the mountain landscape. She and Newt listened for a moment. Pickett, atop of Newt's shoulder, listened too.

"She's ready." Newt whispered.

They moved rapidly but carefully towards the mouth of a great cathedral-like cave. As they drew close, something stirred in the shadows.

Newt tenderly reached out to stroke the back of the mother Qilin as she rolled gently. The mother Quilin was breathing fast, her skin flecking and twitching, insects and bits of jungle and dust caked into her hide. She let out another cry.

A golden light began to suffuse the ground beneath her. Ava smiled, entranced. Slowly, slithering out from beneath the mother, a baby Qilin appeared, beautiful and fragile, its eyes blinking blindly. Sniffing curiously, it bleated softly, it's tiny body pulsed with golden light, briefly illuminating Newt's, Ava's, and Pickett's faces as they peered down at it.

Newt and Ava stepped back, watching as the mother Qilin licked the baby clean as it shivered and stumbled around.

"Beautiful." Ava breathed.

Newt nodded. "Right, you two. Now the tricky bit." He reached down for his case, and opened it gently.

As he did this, spells suddenly whipped past Ava's ear and hit the mother Qilin, flaying her hide. She swayed drunkenly, bellowing into the night, and then—her legs betraying her—collapsed.

"Frick!" Ava whipped around to see Rosier and Carrow. "You b—"

"Ava! Language!" Newt scolded, and she rolled her eyes.

He sent a defensive and it bloomed into a shield, but it was too late.

Ava glanced back to see a dark figure emerge between the other Acolytes. It was Credence, looking more older, more assured as he struck through Newt's shield with his wand.

Great hell. Her mind was in a state of panic. She raised her hands and summoned another shield when Credence broke through Newt's.

In the corner of her eye, Ava saw Newt point his wand at his case.

"Accio!" The case flew to his hands.

Credence broke through the shield as Newt and Ava pitched themselves over the rim of the hollow, dropping down a treacherous slope as they jumped, stumbled, and tripped through the undergrowth.

She heard a loud thwack of a spell from behind, splintering the bamboo around them, sending Newt's case tumbling out his hand.

Up ahead, Ava saw the baby Qilin standing in the undergrowth, frightened and fragile. She and Newt picked up the pace. She looked across to see legs pop out of the case as it bumped and bounced downhill, steering it back towards them.

Carrow jetted towards Newt and Ava, hands outstretched for the baby Qilin. Ava flicked her wrists, sending Carrow flying backwards.

THWACK! Another spell whistled over Newt's and Ava's heads just as they ducked and Ava swept the baby Qilin into her arms. In that moment, Ava felt a spell hit her painfully in the back and she was sent flying off high ground and down.

She screamed as she fell, then was plunged deep into swirling water. Her vision went blank, and she could feel the water whipping her hair around and the chocking feeling in her throat. Mother! What should I do? Help me! Ava called silently, thrashing violently and desperately in the water. She instantly calmed down (but still a bit panicked) when a familiar voice rang through her head.

Be calm, my dear one, kick your legs, and do not loose hope.

Ava did as her mother instructed, she kicked her legs weakly, her hopes rising when she felt herself pushing upwards.

You're doing beautifully, my dear, now put your arms above your head, put your hands together, and push them away from each other in a circle shape. That's it... Continue doing that.

Ava pushed and pushed, gasping for air when her head emerged from the surface. She swam to shore to see Newt scanning the water worriedly.

"Newt!" She gasped.

"Ava, thank Merlin!" Newt held out a hand for the woman, who took it gratefully, and pulled her out of the water.

"Where is the Qilin?" She asked immediately once ashore.

"They took it," His voice cracked.

Ava let out a choked sob. No. No. No. No. No. No. No! It can't be gone!

I'm afraid it is, my dear one. Her mother's voice rung in Ava's mind. But hope is not lost yet—go back to the mother, and take care of what you see there.

Alright. Ava thought, then spoke aloud "We need to check on mama Qilin."

Newt stumbled back towards the hollow, of arm supporting a limping Ava, the other wrapped around his case. They finally reached the crest of the hollow. Ava let out a choked sob when she saw the mother Qilin lying in the shadows, unmoving.

Ava collapsed against the mother Qilin's motionless body, her chest heaving painfully, a tear rolling down her cheek, Newt right beside her.

"I'm sorry," the sobbing woman whispered, "I'm so, so sorry..." Her eyelids were drooping. Sleep was beckoning, and Ava was about to give in, when a soft light could be seen through her eyelids. She opened her eyes to find the earth beneath her blooming. Ava turned to study the mother, watching in awe as the flesh surrounding the mother's eye twitched, and soft, murmuring bleat broke the silence.

A second baby Qilin wriggled into view. As it slipped free, it peered around uncertainly, then met Newt and Ava's eyes. Ava smiled before the Qilin wiggled into her arms. She turned back to the mother, and did Newt, then stopped.

Care... the mother Qilin's weak thoughts filled Ava's mind.

"Twins..." The woman murmured softly. "You've had twins..."

As she watched, a tear trickled from the mother's eye, her pupil dilating. Ava let out another sob and rolled back against the mother's lifeless body, Newt did the same.

In the corner of her eye, Ava saw Newt look at Pickett and nod to the case. Ava felt her eyelids drooping. She was so exhausted and sorrow-filled.

She saw a Wyvern fly upwards towards the sky, its body started to expand magically and beautifully. With her last bit of strength, Ava gathered the Qilin, pulling it within the folds of her leather jacket. Shivering, it bleated softly in her arms. Newt pulled Ava close, and she felt the tail of the Wyvern wrap around Ava, and she, Newt, and the baby Qilin were lifted gently into the air.

Ava's body gave up and darkness took over her vision.

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