Chapter 6

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Newt and Ava Apparated and walked on briskly beneath an increasingly stormy sky. Ava sighed when a moment later, Stebbins, an Auror, Apparated some yards behind them. They had been playing this game for hours, and Ava was ready to hex him into next year.

She and Newt turned a corner into a darker alleyway, and peered back around the corner.

Ava sighed dramatically. "Remind me again why I'm not allowed to jinx him?"

Newt chuckled, then drew his wand and pointed it at Stebbins. "Ventus." He muttered.

Ava snorted when Stebbins was immediately caught in a hurricane for one. The passing muggles watched in confusion and amusement, and Ava saw Newt smile slightly.

They withdrew their heads, still leaning against the wall of the dark alleyway, to find a single glove hanging in the air in front of them. Ava looked at it, her grey-and-blue eyes emotionless.

The glove gave a little wave, then pointed into the far distance.

Ava looked where it was pointing to see a tiny figure raising his arm, high on the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral.

Ava looked back at the glove, which made as though trying to shake hands.

She and Newt exchanged a glance, their eyes speaking for them.

We need to go.

Ava raised an eyebrow. Really? What if it's a trap?

Honestly, Ava, you should stop assuming the worst.

She shrugged. Fine. Let's go—but if it's a trap I'm going to murder you before the person who set it gets a chance.

Newt shook his head in disbelief and Ava grabbed his hand. He smiled at her and took the glove.

They Apparated besides a dandyesque forty-five-year-old wizard with greying auburn hair and beard.

Newt handed him back his glove. "Dumbledore."

Ava raided an eyebrow. "Were the less conspicuous rooftops full, then?"

Dumbledore was looking out over the city. "I do enjoy a view. Nebulus."

Ava watched as a swirling fog descended over London like the tide at a beach. She felt Newt take her hand and they Disapparated.

Dumbledore, Newt, and Ava Apparated and walked on past the great stone Landseer lions, the darkening was becoming increasingly ominous. A flock of pigeons flew into the air at their approach.

"How was it?" Dumbledore asked.

"They're still convinced you sent me to New York." Newt told him.

"You told them I didn't?"

"Yes. Even though you did."

Ava narrowed her eyes at Dumbledore. He's inscrutable, and both she and Newt wanted answers.

"You told me where to find that trafficked Thunderbird, Dumbledore." Newt commented. "You knew that I would take him home and you knew I'd have to take him through a Muggle port."

"Well," Dumbledore said. "I've always felt an affinity with great magical birds. There's a story in my family that a phoenix will come to any Dumbledore who is in desperate need—"

"Does that mean it would come to me?" Ava interrupted, a mischievous grin on her face.

"—they say my great-great-grandfather had one," he continued as if she hadn't spoken. "But that it took flight when he died, never to return."

"With all due respect," Newt said. "I don't think for a minute that's why you told me about the Thunderbird."

"Oh, so we're calling Frank 'the Thunderbird' now?" Ava asked indignantly.

A noise sounded behind them. Before she could locate the cause of the sound, Newt grabbed Ava's hand and Disapparated.

Ava heard footsteps nearby. Dumbledore and Newt both readied their wands, and Ava produced a small, black knife studded with gold out of her belt and unsheathed it, but the footsteps died away.

They walked on.

"Knife away," Newt said to Ava sternly.

She shrugged, sheathed it again, and put it back into her belt.

Dumbledore ignored this interaction. "Credence is in Paris, Newt, Ava. He's trying to trace his real family. I take it you've heard the rumour about who he really is?"

"No." Newt said, and Ava shook her head.

Dumbledore, Newt, and Ava boarded a stationary bus.

"The purebloods think he's the last of an important French line" Dumbledore told them. "a baby whom everyone thought lost..."

Ava stared at him in disbelief, and her own disbelief was echoed in Newt's voice.

"Not Leta's brother?"

"That's what they're whispering." Dumbledore agreed. "Pureblood or not, I know this: an Obscurus grows in the absence of love as a dark twin, an only friend. If Credence has a real brother or sister out there who can take its place, he might yet be saved." He paused. "Wherever Credence in in Paris, he's either in danger or a danger to others. We may not know who is yet, but he needs to be found. And I rather hoped you two might be the one to find him." Dumbledore conjured up a card and offered it to Newt and Ava, who eyed it suspiciously.

"What's that?" Newt asked.

"It's an address of a very old acquaintance of mine. A safe house in Paris, reinforced with enchantments."

"Safe house?" Newt echoed. "Why would we need a safe house in Paris?"

"One hopes you won't, but should things at some point go terribly wrong, it's good to have a place to go. You know, for a cup of tea."

Understanding washed over Ava, and by the looks of it, so did Newt.

"No, no, no—absolutely not." Newt said.

They Apparated onto a bridge.

"We're banned from international travel, Dumbledore. If we leave the country, they will put us in Azkaban and throw away the key."

"Forget Azkaban—I'd just be sentenced to the Dementors kiss right away," Ava said.

Dumbledore stopped. "Do you know why I admire you, Newt, Ava? More, perhaps, than any person I know? Neither of you seek power or popularity.You simply ask, is the thing right in itself? If it is, then I must do it, no matter the cost." He walked on.

"That's all very well, Dumbledore," Newt said. "but, forgive me for asking, why can't you go?"

They stopped.

"I can't move against Grindelwald. It has to be you two." He paused. "Well, I don't blame you, in your shoes I'd probably refuse too. It's late. Good evening, Newt, Ava." He Dissaparated.

"Oh c'mon!" Ava complained.

Dumbledore's empty glove reappeared and tucked the business card bearing the address of the safe house into Newt's top pocket.

"Dumbledore." Newt said, sounding exasperated.

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