Chapter 2

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Tina led Newt, Ava, Jacob and Tina's sister, Queenie down an insalubrious back alley covered in bins, crates, and discarded objects.

Tina had argued very strongly about Ava accompanying them, but she eventually gave up. Queenie was quite happy for her to join them, and was fond of Ava.

Tina located a set of steps leading down to a basement apartment and motioned them down.

The steps appeared to lead to a dead end: the doorway had been bricked up. Instead, a poster of a shimmering debutante in evening dress, gazing at herself in the mirror, covered the end of the walkway.

Tina and Queenie stood in front of this poster. They turn to each other and, in unison, raised their wands. As they did so, their work clothes were transformed into stunning flapper party dresses. Queenie turned to Ava. "Now it's your turn."

Ava froze. "Uh..." she stammered. "I can just wait outside..."

"Nonsense! You are one of us now!"

Ava sighed. "Please, just do something simple." She begged. "I'm only thirteen."

Queenie smiled and raised her wand. Ava's jumpsuit was transformed into a simple, smoked blouson dress with a pair of smoked kitten heels. (Smoked as in the colour not burnt)

Tina steps towards the poster and slowly raised her hand. And she did so, the eyes of the debutante moved upward, following her every move. Tina knocked slowly on the door four times.

Ava saw Newt hastily magicked himself a small bowtie.

A hatch opened: The painted eyes of the debutante whip back to reveal the gaze of a suspicious guard.

The Blind Pig was filled with criminals, and Ava felt just like one. As they walked further in, she flinched when she saw a wanted poster


Ava quickly looked away. She was not like him. She was not like him. The chant continued inside her brain as she focused on the ground.

Newt, Tina and Ava sat at a table that wasn't taken, while Queenie and Jacob went to the bar.

An awkward silence took place at the table. Ava was looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anybody in the pub. She was not like him. She was not like him.

"I've arrested half of the people in here." Tina said suddenly.

"You can tell me to mind my own business..." Newt started hesitantly. " But I saw something in that death potion back there. I saw you hugging that Second Salem boy."

"His name is Credence." Tina said. "His mother beats him. She beats all those kids she's adopted, but she seems to hate him the most."

"And she was the No-Maj you attacked?"

"That's how I lost my job. I went for her in front of a meeting for crazy followers—they all had to be Obliviated. It was a big scandal."

Ava looked up, and at the right time. She saw Queenie signal from across the room.

"It's him." Queenie whispered.

A goblin emerged from the depths of the speakeasy. Smoking a cigarette and smartly dressed for goblin, he had a sly, smooth demeanour like a Mafia boss. He eyed the newcomers as he walked.

Gnarlak sat himself at the end of their table, an air of confidence and dangerous control. A house-elf hastily bought him a drink.

"So— You're the guy with the case full of monsters, huh?" He said.

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