Chapter 3

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Newt, Ava, Tina, Jacob, and Queenie stood on the rooftop underneath a large SQUIRE'S sign. From the edge they had a clear view of the chaos going on below.

"Jeez...Is that the Obscuria-thing?" Jacob sounded overstimulated

Sirens sounded. Ava stared, registering the scale of the destruction.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of..."

A particularly loud explosion in the distance filled Ava's ears. The city beneath them was starting to burn. Newt thrusted his case into Tina's hands, and both Ava and him took out their journals.

"If I don't come back, look after my creatures. Everything that you need to know is in there."

Ava leaned close to Tina. "Make the right decision, Tina," she whispered, calling the woman by her first name. "If I don't come back, remember what I said. Make the right choice."

Newt and Ava handed Tina their journals.

"What?" Tina sounded shocked.

Newt and Ava looked back at the Obscurus.

"They're not killing it," he said.

"Not on our watch," Ava added, her eyes filled with determination. She grabbed Newt's arm and they jumped off the roof and they Dissaparated.

Newt and Ava Apparated down a street and saw Mr. Graves standing in front of the Obscurus.

"To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle." She heard Mr. Graves shout. "You are a miracle. Come with me— what we could achieve together."

The Obscurus moved closer to Mr. Graves—Ava heard a scream from within the mass as its Dark energy bursted out once more, knocking Mr. Gravesto the ground. The force sent a shock wave around the square—Newt and Ava dived behind a fallen car for cover.

A crack filled the air, and Ava saw Tina taking cover by another burning vehicle close to them. They look at each other.

"Newt! Ava!" Tina called. A smile took over Ava's features when Tina didn't call her by her last name.

"It's the Second Salem boy." Newt told Tina. "He's the Obscurial."

"He's not a child." Tina stated.

"I know—but I saw him—his power must be so strong—he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible."

As the Obscurus screamed once more, Tina seemed to make a decision.

"Newt! Ava!" She called. They met her gaze. "Save him."

Tina dashed out towards Mr. Graves. Newt grabbed Ava's arm and Dissaparated.

Newt and Ava race-Apparated as fast as Newt could across the tops if buildings in pursuit of the Obscurus.

"Credence!" Newt called. "Credence, we can help you."

The Obscurus dived towards Newt and Ava, who Dissaparated just in time, before they continued to chase it across the rooftops.

As they ran, spells exploded around them, disintegrating the rooftops. A dozen Aurors had appeared, attacking the Obscurus from ahead, almost taking out Newt and Ava, who leaped for cover, trying desperately to keep up.

The Obscurus veered to avoid the spells, leaving black snow like particles that drifted across the rooftops as it retreated, screaming, and turned down another block.

In a particularly vigorous display, the Obscurus raised dramatically up into the air, as spells in electric blue and white hit it from all angles. Finally it crashes to the ground and raced along a wide cover empty street a black tsunami destroy anything in its path.

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