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Y/n- when you talk

Y/n- Flashback

Y/n- when they talk

Y/nyour thoughts


I walked in my house feeling someone stare at me, I turned around and saw no one. as always

I kept walking until I was on my bed, the window was open, bed messy, I didn't remember leaving my bed messy...?

It was weird, too weird for my liking but when I woke up in the morning for the first time I didn't feel like someone was looking at me, like someone was beside me or behind me.

that lasted for a good 3 months until I got transferred in the borderland.


Of course that was 5 month ago, it has been 2 months since I went in the borderland, I never felt that stare and it made me quite happy knowing my stalker for 2 years isn't here.

why would he or she be here this is a random place and it isn't a choice.

I looked up to see a blimp off the jack of hearts game

my favorite.

"hi princess heart."

"That's so cringy please shut up"

That was a weird flashback

I walked in and saw one collar


I put it on and went upstairs like the instruction said and immediately and room went silent as the last player entered, which was me.

I looked around and wished I didn't

That stare, That aura, it's here... he's here.

I made eye contact with a guy that has a blue shirt, he looked at me intensely

his smirk never leaving his face in fact his smirk grew wider as he looked at me more.

must be him.

funny how I met my stalker in a game of death

I looked away and made eye contact with shuntaro

we kept looking but the announcement made me look away

-there will be no time limit-

-your visa won't change and there's enough food to keep you all from starving-

I raised my eye brow and mumbled 

"sounds fun"

"fun indeed."

I looked beside me and saw him again.

-The game will now commence-

I walked away not wanting to be beside him

I avoided him the whole round and tried avoiding him as much as possible but of course it wasn't possible since the place wasn't that big


"thanks chishiya"

He cringed

"Chishiya? what did u suddenly hate me or are we suddenly strangers"

I looked at him and smirked


then walked to my cell


I went to the cafeteria and of course no one was there

no one but him.


I closed my eyes as I felt him walking closer


he backed hugged me as I froze

"why r u so tense love"

I tried pushing him off but he hugged me tighter

sure its comforting, I would've stayed if it wasn't MY FUCKING STALKER.

"my names not love"

I smirked and turned around to look at him trying to be confident

"I know. It's Y/n, Hirai Y/n"

He smirked back and trapped me between him

"you know this is fate y/n... we got separated then got back together again..."

"don't you believe in soulmate love? I feel like you're my soulmate"

He smiled, not smirked but smiled

I tilted my head and looked at him in the eye

"what about you, who r u"

He looked at me


"who r u, you never told me your name"

I looked at him and his smirk disappeared for a second and he looked upset but he smirked again

"stop acting innocent, I know that you know damn well who I am"

He chuckled

"More like I'm sure you know your stalkers name."

I stopped smiling and looked him in the eye

"let me go banda"

He raised his eye brow and his smirk widen

"Call me sunato, love"

I didn't know what to feel about all of this but I quickly walked away almost thanking god he didn't block me or hug me again


After walking out of my cell banda was already out side waiting for me

"you'll be with us from now on"

"and why should I trust u."

He smirked

"after watching you for 3 years and loosing you for 5 months and you still think I'd kill you?"

3 years...what.

He laughed as he held my face and kissed my forehead

"you're funny y/n-chan, I'd murder every single person in this twisted world if it means keeping you alive to stay by my side."


stalker | sunato banda (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now