chishiya one-shot

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2k special!!!
since ya'll love chishiya so much so here is a detailed version of their life in the beach


I opened my eyes and saw a guy with short hair

"hello, welcome to the beach!"

he smirked and started explaining shit as I looked at him boredly

"are you done?"

I stood up taking them by surprise looking at my hands freely

as they were busy explaining I started untying it and freed myself

the door opened and the militant walked in and I made eye contact with one of them

I turned to see the hoodie guy was there also but I ignored him

"ah aguni you guys are here"

the guy with a rifle caught my attention

he looks familiar...


I quietly mumbled and that guy looked at me then smirked


he said and walked closer to me

chishiya raised his eyebrows and stared at us

"oh wow, you two know each other?"

hatter said as niragi nodded

"she was my ex in the normal world"

He laughed and I hit him

"don't believe him, we never dated I told u that many times!"

I whispered-yell at him as he laughed

"that's cute... our killer and killer heart are friends"

hatter said


I was slammed in the wall and I could feel breathing in my neck.

"mhm... shuntaro"

He smirked and started kissing my neck

"rule one, never go near niragi"

I hummed and closed my eyes

"rule two."

he started getting aggressive

"don't fuck other guy's"

he pushed me down so now I'm on my knees face to face with his clothed dick as he started pulling his shorts down

"you're mine and only mine."

he started stroking his dick


he mumbled and hummed as he felt my mouth around his cock

"rule three, don't get drunk with anyone because I will punish you"

"rule f-four-"

He stopped and closed his eyes as I started going faster

"mhm...~ rule four... sex after every game."

He licked his lips

he let out a shaky moan as his orgasm was near

"ugh...~ y-y/n..."



I yelled as I saw him in the hall way

he turned around and smiled knowing it was me

"yes princess?"

"aaaaa not that nickname again"

I whined and he chuckled

"anywaysss looki!"

I stuck my tongue to show him the tongue piercing

he looked surprised

"wow, you did that?"

I nodded and smiled sweetly at him

"the other militant helped me, mostly suguru and aguni-san"

His face changed

I pouted and hugged him

"chi~ don't be jealous please~"

I gave him a quick peck and pulled him in my room

I sat him down and I sat in his lap facing him and I clung around him like a koala

"you're extremely clingy today"

he mumbled and buried his face in my hair while hugging me

"I just miss you, I haven't seen you the whole day since the militants was making me word so they'd know if I'm worth it"

I said and hugged him tighter

"I-i miss you too I guess..."

I smiled and he pushed me down the bed turning us around

he hovered over me and smirked

"let's test if your tongue piercing is useful"


"hey taro"


He slightly turned to me

we were sitting at the edge of the rooftop

he loves looking at me when I speak and I've grown attached to it since

"I've never seen you cry before chi"

I said looking in his eyes

"I don't think crying can get u anywhere"

he answered not breaking eye contact

"do u think crying is weak?"

I turned to look at the sky

"no not at all..."

"you know it's okay to cry chi... I know you think crying make you weak but sometimes It's okay to cry. crying can help u relieve pain when no one is there"

I said with a smile and looked at him to see he was still looking at me

He chuckled and pulled me closer

I rested my head against his shoulder

"you say the most random things princess"

"but it's true!"

I pulled away and hit him playfully and he laughed

like fully laughed, I stared at him and smiled


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