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as were resting someone suddenly screamed and we heard gunshots 


they were outside.

"haruto wake up..."

we heard a groan

banda went near me since the noise was clearer here

"hiroto... find the g-girl"

he heard a sob

"find her she c-can help you she's with that gu-guy in the po-poster"

"stop talking!"

we heard banging and the rock moved

there we saw one of the twins holding the other twin

banda quickly stood up to close it

he placed his twin down and he sobbed


his twin started coughing blood

"no no stop...!"

I stayed back and observed them

"live for me please, don't kill yourself because I'm gone..."

"don't kill yourself just because I'm gone y/n"
-love ichigo

I sighed as hiroto guy started sobbing harder 

"I'll try ruto..."

his twin weakly smiled

"thank you r-roto"

-3 players remaining-


I groaned

I stood up to go closer to him

I placed my hand in his back and rubbed it for comfort

"hiroto was it?"

I asked softly and he nodded

"hey... shh shh it's okay..."

gosh I feel like I'm talking to my past self.

He sobbed harder and pulled me in for a hug


"please call me y/n"

I patted his back as he continued to cry

"He said to live for him so let's not let his sacrifice go to waste"

He nodded and calmed down a bit

he pulled away from the hug and apologized for suddenly pulling me

"no it's fine really, you needed it..."

his gaze switched to banda who was looking at us

slightly annoyed but it wasn't that noticeable

"you're sunato banda right...?"

banda raised his eyebrow

he really loves doing that huh

"the guy who murdered 4 girls.."

banda let out a small 'ah'

and nodded

hiroto's eyes shifted to me as if he was scared

stalker | sunato banda (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now