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||friends with benefits||


I've always wondered what it's like fucking the sunato banda

well I can tell you that.

at first he never really paid attention to me and neither did I

but after going to a party we spotted each other and our drunk selves

hooked up.

not gonna lie it was better than I expected and after that day we decided to agree on a 'no strings attached' relationship thing

it was simple

he'd barge in my place uninvited angry or upset

we'd talk if his upset and fuck after

and if he's angry we'd straight up fuck.

we had a few rules

-no aftercare
-no cuddle after sex
-no staying over
-can't fuck others
and lastly
-no falling in love

of course one of us had to break it

or the both of us did?


I was in my place getting ready and suddenly I heard a bang

I sighed knowing it was sunato

he rushed in my room and opened it looking at me with lust

his expression changed when he saw me getting ready

"where are you going?"

He asked leaning against the door

"I have to tutor this kid in chemistry"

I replied getting my bag

"sorry, didn't know you'd be horny today"

I chuckled and he laughed

"it's fine, I can wait though"

I nodded

"you know where the foods are, I'll be back in three hours?"

I walked out hearing him scream 'got it'


Sunato POV.

three hours...


that's so boring

I stood up and decided to follow y/n

just tutoring huh, let's see


he saw her and followed her

she went into a cafe

he hid somewhere and can perfectly see her inside

she went to a


I frowned my eyebrows as she sat next to him and took out some books

I was watching them as they laughed and the guy blushed

my heart starting aching

I didn't have the right to be jealous

clearly she isn't fucking him but... why does it hurt?

I quietly stood up and went to her house


hours have passed and I heard the door open

I was about to go to her and make out with her when I heard a different voice

"thank you for today y/n-chan!"

I heard her giggle

"it's nothing shin-kun, though you really didn't have to escort me home"

I clenched my fist hearing them laugh and giggle

"see you next time y/n-chan, maybe the next time we meet it'll be a date and not a tutoring session"

I heard the guy chuckled and the door closed

I heard y/n mumbled something but didn't hear it


y/n POV.

"see you next time y/n-chan, maybe the next time we meet it'll be a date and not a tutoring session"

he said and closed the door

"about that... I don't like him?-"

I mumbled and suddenly someone yanked me away from the door and pushed me down the couch

I gasped and looked at the guy in front of me

"oh god, sunato you scared m-"

He kissed me harshly and cut me off

I frowned my eyebrows as he hovered over me

he was more aggressive than usual

all of the sudden my face was wet

surprise, I opened my eyes and saw tears coming out of sunato's face

his eyes were close

I pushed him off of me and sat on his lap

I held his face

I was worried, I never saw him cry before

"sunato-san...! hey, hey, w-what's wrong..."

I panicked

He buried his face in my neck and started breathing heavily

I kissed the top of his head and hugged him


a few minutes later he calmed down and leaned back in the couch

I brought my hand to his face to move his hair

"what's wrong sunato..."

I heard him sigh

"this is stupid... I was jealous okay?"

I looked at him waiting for him to continue

"I was jealous because of how close you are to that guy"


"I know y/n. fuck, I know this more than anyone. I don't have the right to be jealous"

I shook my head but he continued

"I don't have the right because we only fuck each other. but y/n I love you."

I stared at him and he avoided eye contact

"I love you, and I'm scared to loose you that's why I kept being your fubu but I don't think I can take it anymore..."

"forgive me. I broke our rule"

he sighed and tried pushing me off, but I pushed him back and kissed him

"sunato... I love you too, but I was scared-"

He didn't let me finished and pushed me down and couch and buried his face in my neck and shakily kissed my neck

"thank god..."


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