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"you're funny y/n-chan, I'd murder every single person in this twisted world if it means keeping you alive to stay by my side."


The boy turned to look at me

it was a normal, confuse stare as why banda was holding my arm making sure I don't leave, but the stare was too long for banda's liking

"don't stare."

I frowned my eyebrows, his voice deep and stared intensely at enji not smiling nor smirking.

shit that was attractive


enji quickly apologize

"anyways this is hirai she'll be joining us from now on if you don't mind"

I looked up at banda and gave him a confused look and when he noticed my stare he bend down to whisper in my ear

"only I get to call you by your first name so you better introduce yourself as hirai."

He got up and smiled at me as I could only nod.


a loud thud was heard and we turned to see a fragile boy getting beat up by a muscular one

"hurry up and tell me!"

the muscular boy yelled and to my surprise banda stood up and went to the boy

"are you okay?"

he asked as the boy was still frighten by the man infront of him

"tell him it's club."

I raised my eyebrow and looked at banda

he can't be serious rn.

"now you tell me or I'll beat you up again"

He shook in fear

"It's club!"

The big one chuckled

"better hurry up next time"

He said as he turned to leave


the game has officially started.


I was sitting down between banda and his hands resting and wrapped around my waist I was starting to get bored so I decided to finally relax and lean back so my head was resting in banda's shoulder

"strawberry shampoo?"

Banda chuckled

"so you still use that huh"

wtf STILL????

I was about to say something when a voice called for me


I looked up and saw chishiya

"eh~ y/n? I thought you introduced yourself to everyone as hirai? too bad but excuse us chishiya she won't be going anywhere"

I sighed

"what is it?"

"can we talk? without him"

He said and eyed banda as banda's hand tighten around my waist

"do you know him love?"

banda said and rested his head in my shoulder

"old friend."

"wow old friend? that kinda hurts princess heart~"

I glared at chishiya as he smirked and I could feel banda's eyes burning holes in my back

"I'll be back in a bit sunato-san..."

I stood up and he had a satisfied look in his face as I called him by his first name

"Be back in 10 minutes, if not then I'll look for you myself"



I held chishiya's collar and banged him against the wall

"calm down princess the last time I checked you weren't this aggressive"

I gave him a glare and let go

"stop calling me princess ESPECIALLY in front of banda you're literally digging my grave!"

I yelled at him

"he won't kill you"

I calmed down knowing his true

As always.

"what did u want to talk about?"

I asked and he avoided my eyes

"why him?"


"why do u care, it's not like I have a choice."

"never said I cared"

he smirked

"sounds like you do cheshire"

He cringed at my nickname for him

"thought you promised to never call me that"

I shrugged

"thought I told u to never call me princess"

He sighed and leaned at the wall

"it's true though princess heart, the beach's master when it comes to heart games"

I didn't answer him and just started munching on my food

"you'll always be my princess y/nie"

"tarooo stop calling me princess it's so eeeee"

I told shuntaro and he laughed

"what r u smiling about"

I didn't even realize I was smiling

"none of your business chishiya"

He frowned and bend down to look at me face to face, his face was so close to me and I froze

"when did u ever start calling me chishiya? no chi? chishi? damn not even my own name shuntaro?"

I can see that he looked upset but stood up straight before I could even reply

"ah... It doesn't matter, I keep forgetting about what happened."

And with that he walked away

what was that about.


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