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"don't leave y/n... if you do I don't think I would be able to save you."


hours have passed and the game still hasn't ended

I knew arisu and usagi is playing the game right now

I only had a blood dripping head

I didn't even notice it until I leaned in banda's shoulder and when I moved away I saw blood

I also don't think banda noticed, my hair was pretty long


banda was breathing heavily as I held his hand

his grip suddenly loosen

my heart started beating

I couldn't move

my face suddenly wet from my new tears

my grip on his hand tighten



I started breathing heavily fully looking at him

his hair sticky with blood, his body filled with dried up blood.

his lips were purple

his body pale

his eyes.

were open...

but it lost it's color

I held my hand towards my mouth trying to quiet down my cries

his pupils suddenly moved and looked at me

"love me."

he said blood dripping from his mouth

he weakly smiled

I closed my eyes and screamed

this can't be.








I pushed myself off the wall and looked beside me

banda was laying there looking at me with half lidded eyes

"love...? are you okay.."

I started crying and buried my head in the crook of his neck

I sobbed and he patted my head

"shh.. it's okay. whatever it was... it was a dream."

a dream...

I pulled away and held his face

"don't leave... I love you, you don't have to tell me to love you because I already do..."

he smiled

"it was a dream..."

after he said that we heard fireworks 

I sighed and laid beside him

"which one are you picking..."

I rested my head in his shoulder and he held my hand

"I think I'll decline..."

stalker | sunato banda (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now