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I started telling them parts of my past that I remembered and of course avoiding the part where banda and I first met.

"I honestly don't know why I ended up in a hospital, I forgot"

I mumbled 

"I think you forgot some parts y/n"

chishiya chuckled

I frowned my eyebrows looking at him

how does he know me?

"I don't think so chi"

I said

"so y/n you and niragi are actually like REALLY close back then???"

Kuina asked

I smiled remembering him

"yeah... shocking right?"

I chuckled

"I don't know how he ended up like this but I guess I still see him as the guy I became friends with"

My face dropped and I started spacing out

"so hira-chan where's chigo?"

niragi asked

we were in his room talking

I weakly smiled and gave him the letter


he gave it back to me after reading

"fuck. I thought we'd reunite"

He closed his eyes and fell in his bed cursing

I lightly chuckled

"as long as we're together she'll be watching us from somewhere sugu"

I heard him chuckled

"yeah right..."

I felt a hand on my shoulder

I turned to see banda looking at me 

"you okay?"

I nodded and laid down

"just tired..."

I said and closed my eyes

I could hear them leaving and I kept my eyes close pretending to be asleep

"yo banda"

I heard chishiya say


"take care of her will you?"

I felt my heart beat fasten

Banda chuckled

"I'd kill myself to keep her safe, don't worry about her chishiya"

"Don't abuse her. don't force her, love her the way she wants to be loved okay?"

the room went silent


banda managed to say and I heard the door close

Banda let out and sigh and I could feel him look over at me

"I'll make you love me without hurting you anymore love..."


I woke up someone shaking me

"y/n? wake up we need to move"

I opened my eyes and saw banda

"what... your hurt sunato"

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