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oh fuck no... please no.


-wow so rude of me, I'm sorry but I forgot to introduce myself-

he chuckled 

I closed my eyes as he showed himself

"aww, hira-chan open your eyes I wanna see you"

I heard him say my name and I knew who it was

I opened my eyes trying to look scary while I made eye contact with the one and only

Niragi Suguru

He smirked and leaned back in his chair

"still the same eyes darling, the eyes that I truly adored"

oh fuck no, you're gonna kill me dude
like seriously.

Banda cleared his throat

"aren't you suppose to start the game instead of flirting with what's mine?"


niragi's gaze switched from me to banda

I started panicking 

"su-suguru! you should start, time is ticking"

and with that the game started

and for some reason niragi doesn't play

he just watches

something's not right...


as the game went on it was pretty boring knowing this was a king of hearts game

only me, sunato, zuki guy, and the twins were left

-reminder this is the last round-

-and~ I forgot but one of you is an imposter-


I looked at niragi in shock

I could hear him laugh at our confuse faces

you can't expect the niragi to play fair now can you.

I got the gun and lightly shook it not letting the others notice

I pointed it at myself and zuki guy stood up and held my hand

"hirai-san! what are you doing"

I frowned my eyebrows

"zuki I have my own plans so let me do my work"

I glared at him

for the first time I glared at someone

I never wanted to get mad at people and I always find a way to make me like them
I hated hating others
I hated others hating me but that didn't bother me much

I sighed and mumbled a quick sorry

I didn't shoot yet but pointed my gun to banda

He raised his eyebrow but did not move or flinch from his seat

"what's the meaning of this love"

He said not breaking eye contact 

face emotionless as he tries to read my expression

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