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"Come back 5 minutes before time"


sitting at the cafeteria I finally felt at peace...

until it was ruined.

"it's fun watching them betray each other"

chishiya the cat appeared and talked to me

I was bored but didn't want to talk to anyone so I simply ignored him

but it is fun watching them kill each other...

"r u mad at me?"

I scoffed

"no? why would I be mad?"

He didn't reply for a few minutes

"idk you're acting weird"

I looked at him weirdly

"if this is your way of trying to make our conversation longer than congratulations it's working"

I could see him part his lips to answer but an announcement shutted both us up

-everyone come to the main area for a special announcement-

-the jack made a cute and special request for all of you-

The timer stopped as the announcement went on, banda and I made eye contact and his eyes went and looked at chishiya who was beside me

-a quick dare for everyone~ but ofc theirs a twist, the dare is sexual or killer dare. if you can't do it you'll get electrocuted for 5 seconds, fire means sexual dare, knife is killer dare. Enjoy~-

"are they actually playing with us?"

Yaba said and everyone agreed

There weren't much people left only

And kotoko

everyone sat in circle

Y/n                banda
chishi         yaba

This was all weird to u but didn't say anything


A bottle was givin and was placed between us enji span the bottle and it landed on chishiya, the tv showed two emojis switching back and forth and it finally stopped


killer dare...?

-master chishiya, I dare you to cut someone in the face but not just anyone. cut the most attractive person in the room-


Chishiya smirked and turned to me as he was givin a knife

"This won't hurt princess"

I could feel banda's glare

"Hurry up"

Chishiya held my face with one hand and holding the knife at the other, he carefully cut my cheek one slice at blood dripped, I shut my eyes tightly trying to reduce the pain as chishiya sat back down

-unfair right people? our master hirai is still pretty!-

I spun the bottle and it landed on banda.


Banda smirked and eyed the screen


"ah this just got interesting..."

he said eyes not leaving the screen

-master banda, I dare you~ to make out with someone of your choice in this room in front of everyone for 30 seconds-

"oh~ heh this is actually quite fun"

Banda looked at me and stood up slowly walking to me and bended down to me level, held my face as he wiped the dripping blood from my face

I hissed at the sudden contact

"this will be the best 30 seconds of my life"

he whispered in my ear and kissed me

I could hear the timer start at the back but it was so quiet for some reason

My mind went blank as banda slightly pulled away and mumbled

"please... please kiss me back"

Before kissing me again

this time I closed my eyes and kissed him back, I could feel him smile and his hand grabbed my arm and placed it around his neck

-15 seconds remaining-

and with that banda suddenly pulled my hair and I gasped with a whine at the sudden pull

He took that opportunity and slid his tongue in my mouth and I backed away in surprised but he pulled me close

I frowned my eyebrows from the unknown feelings I was getting and hesitated to kiss him back but did anyway

-5 seconds remaining-

I could feel his tongue over mine and he tilted his head and kept going and I was loosing my mind

what is this feeling...

for god's sake y/n he's your stalker the person you've been scared off for years

-times up!, master hirai sure is lucky today-

when he finally pulled away a string of saliva was there between our lips and my face when it dropped in my thighs my face went bright red

I quickly covered my mouth and looked at the ground refusing the look up and make eye contact with banda and with anyone in the room

god this is so embarrassing please just kill me already...

He chuckled and patted my head and when I finally looked up his hair was quite messy and his face was covered with light blush as he panted still smiling down at me

I didn't even realize I held his hair during the kiss



stalker | sunato banda (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now