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Chishiya POV.

It has been a few hours since they left and it started to get dark

"what if he killed her"

"Arisu! for the last time y/n isn't dead"

Usagi sighed, arisu has been repeating that for few minutes now

I too started to get worried but didn't show it

few minutes later the door opened and we all stood up to greet or attack who ever was coming

Banda walked in holding y/n in his hand

her passed out while he had messy hair


Kuina ran to her

"what did you do to her!"

Kuina screamed and banda just stared at her

"we got chased by the king of spade and she tripped so I helped her"

That was all he could say before going to her room to place her there

"Also usagi I'm staying here with her now so u can move in your boyfriend arisu's room"

Banda said and locked the door

god what a psycho.

Usagi scoffed



Banda left their room to grab things and I took it as an opportunity to check on the girl

Her body had bruises but not on places you'd think like arm or blood stains, no

her thighs
and had hickey's on her neck

hell nah.


Y/n POV.

I woke up trying to recall what happened

"fuck...~ you were so good darling"

banda kissed me

"you're probably tired after 6 rounds love"

he chuckled

that was the last thing I heard before passing out

I sighed and closed my eyes

I tried moving and realized I couldn't

I turned to see a half naked killer holding my waist and cuddling with me like a baby

I turned to look away and looked down


I sighed in relief when I found out I wasn't naked, I black shorts on and banda's blue polo all buttoned up

I turned a bit to face banda

he groaned

"morning love"

He mumbled and snuggled in my neck since I was now facing him

"morning sunato-san"

I don't know why but sometimes I call him sunato-san, I liked the sound of it

I could feel him smile and held me tighter

I would've felt happy or would've blushed but he forced me.

I closed my eyes trying to forget about it

I want to love this man so that my chance of surviving in this world is big, I'm sure he'd protect me.

I wanna forget anything negative about him so that I can actually love him

sounds hard? fuck yes, it's hard knowing I feared this man for years

"what r u thinking love"


"You're doing that thing with you hands where u crack your knuckles, so what r u thinking?"

I slightly smiled but it dropped when I realize he found that out by stalking me

"just thinking about the games..."

He giggled

"Don't lie love."

I sighed in defeat, of course he'll know when I lie

"I was thinking of you"

half lie, half true

He hummed in satisfaction

"I'm thinking about you too"

He cuddled to me and smiled


okay I would definitely be obsessed with this man if he wasn't my stalker

I stared at banda who was peacefully running his hands in the river, he turned around and smiled at me

"y/nie! come come"

I sighed and smiled and went closer to him

I was about to sit beside him when he pulled me in his lap

I sat in his lap and leaned back trying to relax

"you know I like this, I like it when we spend time alone like this"

I said and I finally heard his soft voice

"mhm, I agree it's... peaceful."

I closed my eyes feeling his hand on my hair as he rested his chin above my head



"I'm actually sorry"

I slightly turned around to look at him

"sorry? why?"

His eyes started to get teary and I panicked

"for forcing you... All I really wanted was for you to love me, to let me protect you, to be with you, I couldn't think of anything else then forcing you in being in a relationship with me and I'm really s-sorry"

He said and stuttered at the end, tears falling down his eyes as I hugged him

"It pained me to see you cry knowing I was the reason for it"

"No no, sunato look at me"

I cupped his face wiping the tears as he stared at my eyes

"It's okay... I'm learning to love you, I really am and please let just put that behind us"

I started getting teary, for some reason it really hurts looking at him cry suddenly

I didn't know what I was thinking but I kissed him

He kissed back and more tears fell from his eyes

"I love you y/n... I'll try to be better, I promise"

I closed my eyes and connect our foreheads

"I know sunato... I know."


"so she want to love him huh."

chishiya chuckled and wiped the tears trying to fall

"killer x past killer, serves them right"

he mumbled and walks away


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