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"ah... It doesn't matter, I keep forgetting about what happened."


Coming out of my cell and coming face to face with banda's chest

Before I could apologize banda pulled me into an empty hallway

"what tf is up with you and that chishiya guy"

He pushed me against the wall and wrapped his hand around my neck slightly putting on some pressure

He looked mad, upset and jealous


I struggled to breathe as he slightly laughed and choked me harder

I whined and when I realized what I sounded like I tried talking but it was too late he already smirked at me and laughed

"gosh you're freakier than I thought, your enjoying this aren't you love?"

He went near my ear and licked my ear lobe

"C-can't breathe"

He chuckled and let me as I fell on my knees trying to catch my breath

He bend down and held my jaw tightly

"now tell me."

He looked at me in the eye, his smirk never leaving his face and I could see my pathetic reflection from his eyes

on my knees one hand on my throat trying to reduce the pain and the other on the ground helping me balance myself

"he was a guy I met at the beach"

he hummed and looked at me

"a-and he was my, I can't say it"

He looked at me and bend down again and I thought he was gonna choke me again but to my surprise he just patted my head and looked at me in the eye with a smile

"I'm sorry love... you can tell me soon but if you're not ready it's okay, I was being jealous and I know you wouldn't dare to cheat on me now would you.?"

I quickly shook my head not wanting to anger him

I didn't know if he was manipulating me or just apologizing

He smiled at me and turned me around to check the symbol

the way he held my hair to move it aside
the way he whispered towards my ear to tell me my symbol


He smiled and turned around


"thanks love"


I was confused, I looked at banda who was across the table beside enji and when he noticed I was looking he gave me a quick smirk and continued talking to him

why did his mood suddenly change

why did he suddenly started apologizing after almost choking me to death

what are you banda...

"hey y/n"

I stopped zoning out and turned to face enji


He looked around to see if banda was near which he wasn't, he was looking at some drinks

"what's your relationship with banda?"

I didn't know how to answer that.

"why'd u ask?"

He shrugged

"you seem pretty close to him after a few hours of just meeting him"

few hours my ass.

"hm? I didn't even notice"

I avoided the question and he frowned his eyebrows

"I'm going straight to the point, he's being suspicious and I think I should tell u your symbol to keep u safe"

I looked at him questionably

"Since when did u care? last time I checked our only interaction was when banda introduced me"

That's suspicious.

"Come on let me tell you your-"

"what r u guys talking about?"

Before enji could convince me banda appeared holding two cans of coca cola

"oh right here you go I remembered that your friend use to buy you these and you'd be happy getting them for free"

He smirk

"anyways what were u both talking about"

Enji looked at me asking for help and I shrugged

"just getting to know each other more"

"why do u need to get to know each other???, Is there a specific reason?"

banda asked looking at me

"no umm, enji just wanted to umm... "

"I just wanted to get to know her past"

Enji interrupted me and banda DID NOT believed us and could see right through us

"well u should've asked me, I know her pretty well"

Banda sarcastically smiled at enji as enji excused himself to get a drink

I avoided banda's eyes the entire time enji was away and I could feel his anger and suspicion grow


after coming out of my cell I decided to tell them that I'd stay in the cafeteria and observe and for once banda agreed to let me go alone

"Come back 5 minutes before time"


stalker | sunato banda (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now