12| His parents

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Arohi's pov:

We three already became friends I was laughing so hard listening to them atharva's face was worth watching

These guys were embarrassing him while he was sulking there like a kid

The whole day passed like that after they gone home i went to our room and video called ana i don't know what that bitch is doing

"Hello Bitch where the fuck are you you didn't even call me" she finished painting

"First calm down and sorry" i showed her my puppy eyes she rolled her eyes

Then i told her everything she nodded listening

"I thought you forgot about me" she whispered i scoffed glaring at her
"That's never gonna happen" i said firmly

"Tomorrow Is my first day I'm so nervous"
She said biting her lip it will bleed if she bite like that

"You are gonna rock ok don't worry" i said
"And don't faint again" i laughing she groaned

"All the best babes" i said
"Thank you Babes take care i love you "
"I love you too Bye" i whispered and cut the call as she went to sleep she is not a morning person i hope she'll be on time tomorrow

Then i sat there for sometime gazing at the starts thinking about my life i don't know when i dozed off

In the middle of the sleep i felt someone lift me and placed me on the bed i smiled and hugged my pillow it felt so good i snuggled more into it
I slowly opened my eyes i graoned then i looked at the clock my eyes widened i woke up with a jerk

Fuck it's 10 am i never slept this late then i realised I'm on the fucking bed but i fell asleep outside

My cheeks became red did he carried me here but where is he i frowned a small note on the table catched my eye

As i picked the note a smile appeared on
my face

You were sleeping so i didn't wake you up
I am Going to company i have some meetings today eat breakfast and spend time with Martha I'll see you in the evening :)

Aww how sweet this man Always makes me feel butterflies sometimes a whole damn Zoo

After showering and wearing my clothes i went downstairs to see Martha

"Good morning Martha" i said happily
"Good Morning honey" she smiled

"I'm starving" i whispered and sat next to her
"pancakes" i squealed she laughed

"I know you love whenever i made them that's why i made today poor atharva he is eating pancakes from three days" i laughed

"I love you Martha" i hugged her
"I love you too" she laughed

"Ok let's start" i said as i stuffed the pancakes in my mouth it's so delicious

The whole day me and Martha went together to cafe and now its already evening so we both are back to home

In between i talked with ana as today was her first day i know she is gonna rock
As atharva also praised her I'm so happy and felt so proud of her

Then i got a message it was him i opened the message and got a mini heart attack

Be ready I'll pick you in the evening we are going to meet my parents.

Fuck what am i gonna do oh my god what am i going to wear atharva i groaned
As i was freaking out Martha came

"Woah what happened" she frowned
I showed her the message he sent she nodded realising then smiled

"Why are you freaking smiling" i almost cried
"Ok i understand you calm down" she said

Then suddenly a door bell rang i opened the door to see a delivery boy

"Excuse me are you ms.mehra" he asked me i nodded then he showed the package

"Mr.Raichand ordered this dress for you" he said i took the package from him

"Thank you mam" i nodded after locking the door i sat on the couch and opened the package i gasped it is looking really so beautiful

"Aww that's so beautiful" Martha whispered
I smiled and nodded

"But i am so nervous what if i embarass myself or do something crazy" she cut me off

"Oh stop everything will go right and Elena
i mean atharva's mom she is a sweetheart i have seen her my whole life she is the best mother wife and a friend" she smiled

"Trust me she will treat you like their daughter" she whispered i signed

"Now go and get ready probably he is on his way" she said i nodded and went to change
After changing into the dress

I looked myself in the mirror ok I'm not looking that bad then after doing my hair i applied some lite makeup

Then i went downstairs as i heard some voices my heart started beating fast as i recognised the voice

Oh god he is here i looked at him as he was talking With Martha as he heard my footsteps he turned

We both froze looking at each other
All my blood rushed to my cheeks under his intense Gaze

He is looking so handsome in that suit
As we both are face to face now

"You are looking so beautiful" he whispered in his husky voice i shivered after calming down myself

"Thank you" i whispered

So how's the chapter Guy's?
I hope you all liked it
Let's meet the parents
Stay tuned

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