16 | My comfort

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Atharva's pov:

Everything went great my parents liked her so much as we spend a great time with each other

Angel suprised us I'm so happy to see her after many months she came here as she was studying in London

But this devil loves to irritate me alot as she dragged arohi with her to sleep i rolled my eyes can't she sleep alone

Fine i don't care yeah i also went to my room and closed my eyes

After few minutes i opened my eyes fuck what is wrong with you Atharva

Oh you want to cuddle with her my brain mocked me shut up i said ignoring what it said it's not true right

Yeah i again laid on the bed after tossing sometime fine i got down and went downstairs

After taking the water bottle from the fridge i took a sip my sight fell on angel's room i slowly opened the door to see

These two dozed off i chuckled at angel she is hugging her pillow snoring like a kid she will never change

Then my eyes fell on her as she is sleeping so calm yet with a Pout on her lips i smiled at her

I picked her instantly she snaked her arms around my neck snuggling to me after reaching her room i laid her on the bed

After turning the light off i also laid with her as i watched her glowing face under the moonlight

She is doing something to me i don't know what now i am not being able to sleep alone

I always spend time in my office but now my heart always wanted to go home and spend time with her

It feels strangely good that now i have somebody at home waiting for me

She hugged me as i buried my head in her neck feeling the peace soon my eyes closed
As the sunlight hit my face i slowly opened my eyes then i realised i was literally sleeping on her i slowly took off her hands from me so she won't wake up

After successfully doing it i went to shower
as i came from the shower i looked at her looks like she just woke up

"Good morning" i said she looked at me with her big eyes i chuckled

"Morning" she whispered i nodded and went to the closet and wear my suit
As i looked at her she was lost i frowned

"Atharva i slept in angel's room then how am i here" she said confused fuck i gulped and said the thing which came to my mind

"You sleepwalked" i shrugged she gasped
"What" she almost shouted I'm sorry arohi but i can't tell you the truth

"Don't worry go and shower I'll wait for you downstairs" i said amd escaped from there
As i went downstairs everybody was there

"Good morning everyone" i greeted them
"Good morning son "Dad said
"Good morning honey" mom said kissing my cheek i groaned as she grinned

Then arohi also came downstairs and sat next to me after that angel also came downstairs she just woke up from sleep

"Mom see she didn't even brushed her teeth" i said to mom smirking at her
"Mom i did " she whined glaring at me and sat beside arohi

"You slept in my room but when i woke up you weren't there where were you" She asked her after a moment then she looked at me smirking

"Brother she was in your room right" she looked at me now everybody's attention is on me i cursed her under my breath

"She sleepwalked" i shrugged arohi gasped while i finished my eating like nobody here existed while everybody were laughing

"I'm done" i said and got up
"Son wait I'm also coming with you" dad said i Nodded at him

"Atharva you and Dad are going arohi will stay here" she said and dad agreed i went near her and asked her

"You wanna stay" i whispered she smiled and nodded a small smile appeared on my face I'm happy that she likes spending time with them

Not pretend Like some people i ignored the flashbacks which came into my mind i looked into her eyes

"Enjoy and Take care" i said and i don't know why i did that i kissed her forehead forgetting about my surroundings

I came back from my thoughts as i heard some voices i cleared my throat and muttered a bye and left from their

And started my car then dad came i started to drive

"Are you really my son" He said i rolled my eyes he laughed
"Dad" i graoned

"I'm so happy to see you like this and i like her so much she is perfect for you and our family" he said i smiled

Soon we reached Raichand's as everyone greeted us i nodded at them and went to my cabin

The whole day went with meetings and some interviews

"Your sister planned a family dinner today"
Dad said i took my car keys

"Let's go home" i signed i am really tired today

As we reached home mom welcomed us
"Go and take some rest we still have time to go" she said i nodded after kissing her cheek

I went to my room to see her reading a book
As she noticed my presence she smiled at me i went near her and placed my head on her lap

"Tired" she asked i hummed closing my eyes as she run her hands through my hair it feels so good i closed my eyes sunggling into her

I know that now she is my comfort.

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Our atharva's pov today

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