20| Falling

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Arohi's pov:

"Today atharva made breakfast" Martha said as we all looked at him while they gasped i was looking at him surprised

"No way" Rahul gasped
"Wow i can't believe" Veer said Xavier nodded while Atharva rolled his eyes

"Can't you guys just stop being so fucking dramatic" he grunted everybody ate silently
still they were teasing him toh

While i was just looking eat him as he was feeding me like i was a baby this man never fails to impress me

Then after spending some time with us they left "You go and rest i have some work"he said i Nodded as he left to his office room

"You know he made breakfast for you" Martha said a smile appeared on my face

"Really" i whispered she nodded
"Yeah i was also surprised like you" she grinned

"He really care about you" she said i smiled

hen i went to our room as i was thinking about him suddenly the door opened

"Are you okay" he asked me i whispered a yes he nodded and take a file and was about to go i stopped him

"Atharva thanks for the breakfast" i said he Cleared his throat and nodded

"Well i was also hungry so i made it" he said and left closing the door i smiled to myself shaking my head He'll never accept

Then i lie down to take a small nap i was feeling sleepy because of the medicine

"Mama please don't leave me" as the little girl cried as some people dragged her away from her mother
"Please mama don't go"

"Arohi Arohi" i woke up with a jerk my as i was struggling to breathe then i looked at my surroundings

"Hey look at me" a soft voice said i turned to see Atharva i hugged him he hugged me back

"Shh it's just a bad dream" he cooed as i clutched his shirt i closed my eyes as he carresed my hairs after calming myself i slowly looked at him

"You okay" he whispered i nodded he smiled as he touched our foreheads

"Arohi oh my" as we both turned to see ana closing her eyes with her hand

"I swear i didn't see anything" she said and ran out as we both looked away from each other

"I should go" he said clearing his throat as he left I was looking at the floor as it was most interesting thing in the world

Then ana came in smirking at me i rolled my eyes

"Before you say something stupid it's not what you see okay" i said she grinned
"Yeah yeah i know my best friend first kiss was happening and i interrupted" she said
I slapped her arm

"We were not kissing i was having a bad dream" i whispered she frowned
"Oh my you are having those dreams again" she said i shaked my head

"No it's today i don't know why it suddenly appeared leave it tell me how's your job" i said she smiled and blabbered

"You know Mr.Raichand didn't came to office he called me and cancelled all the meetings today for you he really cares about you aru" she said

"Really" i whispered not believing i mean he didn't have to do that right it was just a fever

"Yeah I'm so happy that there is somebody who cares for you like we do" she said i smiled at my fate

"You know it's going to end in six months anyways" a tear slipped from my eyes
"I really like him so much" i accepted as she hugged me i hugged her back

"I can see that he also likes you aru you both like each other then who cares about the contract" she said wiping my tears

"Ok don't cry let's see what happens now stop crying you'll fall sick again" she glared i gave her a small smile

"Ok fine leave it now tell me how's everything at your office how about Veer Rahul they are talking to you" i asked her she smiled and nodded

"You know they are so friendly i always laugh so hard listening to their jokes" she said
"What about Xavier" i said as her smile dropped

"What about him nothing" she said
"Is there something i should know" i glared as her eyes widened

"Ana" i said
"Really nothing I'll always tell you everything right" she said

"Bitch believe me" she said
"Fine" i said still not convincing

We spend the afternoon eating and talking about all the stupid things i enjoyed so much
With her she left as it was evening

I was standing outside looking at the sunset
Feeling the cold wind i felt some presence behind me i know who's it

"How are you feeling now" he asked
"Better" i said he hummed

"Ana said you cancelled all your meetings for me you don't have to i mean it's just a fever" i said he held my hand

"I just wanted to be there for you i just i don't know i couldn't go" he said i smiled

"Thank you for everything" i whispered
"You should stop saying thanks to me all the time" he said glaring at me i chuckled as we both looked into each other eyes

This time nobody interrupted us as we were just enjoying the moment watching the sunset in each other presence

I am falling for him and maybe my heart already started loving him
And i know he deserves so much better.

So how's the chapter Guys?
I hope you all liked it

Arohi is already falling for him
what about atharva
Stay tuned!

Arohi is already falling for him what about atharvaStay tuned!

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