57| Never

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Atharva's pov:

"Well tomorrow is my anniversary and there is a party, I'd be happy if you come" he said
"I'll come for sure" i smiled and got up

Suddenly the door opened
"Dad" my feet froze as i stood there that voice as i slowly looked up to see the person who i was searching from two fucking years

"Here's the file" she smiled at him while i was still staring at her my mind is filled with so many questions why is she calling him dad

"Meet atharva Raichand" he said
Our eyes met she looked at me shocked i gulped as i looked at her i realised how much i missed her

She looked away i took a deep breath
"Wait, I'll come in a bit" he said and left leaving us alone as his mobile rang

I couldn't control anymore i went near her and pulled her into me hugging her tightly afraid that she will disappear again leaving me alone i closed my eyes fuck i missed her so much

And she pushed me like my touch burnt her
I was about to go near her but she stopped me showing her hand
"Don't, come near me" she said
"Princess"i whispered

"She died the night you throwed her away
And she is not here anymore, so please don't talk to me again and stay away from me" she said and it broke my heart into million pieces

And the door opened she looked away wiping her tears i clenched my fist
"Oh i see you two met" mr.anderson said
We both fake smiled at him
"Ok dad I'll go,see you" she said and left
As i watched her leave and i couldn't stop her

"I will leave now, Mr.Anderson" i said
"Yeah and don't forget about the party" i smiled at him and nodded
"I won't" i whispered and left
And looked for her in the whole office but i didn't find her i signed and went to the hotel

A smile appeared on my face thank you God you listened to my prayers i found her and i promise princess i will win your forgiveness
And this time i won't lose you again

My mobile rang as i looked it was veer
"Hey buddy,how's Paris and you didn't even called us" he said i was still smiling like a fool he looked at me surprised

"Okay what happened you are so happy"
"What he is smiling, show me" Rahul said taking the phone from his hands
"Hey i also want to see" Xavier shouted
"Guys you both are gonna broke my fucking phone you idiot's" Veer shouted i Shaked my head

"Guys stop" i shouted and they went still
"Now look at me you three i have to say something important" i said they nodded
As i looked at these three on the screen
"I found her" i said they looked at me shocked

"Really" i nodded smiling
"Oh my god that's amazing" veer said
"How" Rahul asked and i told them Everything
"Wait Liam Anderson is her dad, but how" Xavier asked

"I also don't know about that, but what matters is i found her" i smiled they nodded
"I'm so happy Atharva" veer said
"Yeah and bring her back soon, we really missed her" they said i smiled and nodded

"I will Guys" i said.

Arohi's pov:

And i straightly went to home and didn't even talked to mom silently went to my room and i broke down as i remembered all our moments

Why you did this to us atharva you are the one who left me then why are you back in my life again you never wanted to see my face right

More tears flowed from my eyes as i remembered his hurtful words i hate you atharva for doing this to me for doing this to us

I layed on the bed for hours my eyes are hurting from crying i can't be like this i got up and went to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face after drying my face with the towel i looked at myself in the mirror

I look like a Zombie!

The door opened i turned to see
"Dad" i said and i sat next to him
"Your mother Said you're in your room and didn't eat anything, what happened" he asked
"It's nothing dad, i just got a headache that's it, I'm fine now" i said

"Okay then, good night" he said and kissed my forehead
"Good night" i smiled at him after he left i also slept thinking about him
"Happy Anniversary" i squealed and hugged them and kissed their cheeks
"Thank you" they said

"And here's the present u bought for you two" i grinned and gave them
"Aww it's so pretty baby" mama said looking at the earrings
"Mama wear them for today, they will match with your dress" i said she smiled and nodded

"Dad you liked it" he nodded
"I Loved it, thank you" he said i smiled
"Okay now go and get ready" i said

After getting ready we reached there
and all the guests also started arriving
i was looking at all once again if it's perfect or not

"Oh my gosh" i turned to see Ash
"Beautiful i have no words, you are looking stunning" i smiled at him
"You are looking handsome too" i said he grinned and asked
"Only handsome not hot" i Chuckled

My eyes suddenly fell on the entrance and my Heart skipped a beat like always
But what is he doing here

"Atharva, you are here" dad smiled at him
"Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Anderson" he said to them and gave them a bouquet of flowers mom smiled at him and said something

Suddenly he looked at me i looked away not him wanting to think i was staring at him i felt hot as i saw from the corner of my eye his eyes never left me as he looked at me from top to bottom

"Okay let's cut the cake" dad said i turned to Ash and we both went to them everyone cheered as they cut the cake and fed to each other i smiled and fed them

Then i turned to Ash and fed him a bite then rose

And the music started i was watching my parents and other couples dancing i was alone Asher was talking with someone

Suddenly i was dragged to a corner i gasped
"Atharva what" Before i can say anything he crashed his lips into me my eyes widened as i struggled but this man i signed closing my eyes as i gave in and kissed him back

My heart and body betrayed me

My hands fisted his hair as he bite my lip kissing me passionately he left me finally as i was breathless

"Fuck i wanted to do this since i saw you in this dress, you are looking breathtaking princess" he whispered i lowered my eyes my cheeks turned pink

He held my chin softly and made me look into his eyes

"I'm sorry Princess for whatever i did, and i promise I'll win your forgiveness and i am never letting you go again" he said and left leaving me with so many emotions

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For the next one

So how's the chapter Guys?I hope you all liked itLet's see what will our atharva do To win her againStay tuned ;)

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So how's the chapter Guys?
I hope you all liked it
Let's see what will our atharva do
To win her again
Stay tuned ;)

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