24| Forgiveness

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Arohi's pov:

"Good morning Martha" i said
"Slow down where are you going that too in the morning" she asked

"Today is a very important day for me and I'm late I'll talk to you later byee" i said kissing her cheek
"And please give atharava the medicine he is having a headache" i said before i left

As i took a taxi then i went to the shop and bought cake chocolates yes I'm going to orphanage and today is grandpa's birthday

"Ana i almost reached" i said
"Yeah yeah I'm waiting" she said and cut the call Today she also took leave as we decided to spend the day together

Soon i reached as i went Inside all the kids came running to me i smiled at them

"Ok first we will cut the cake then I'll give chocolates to you all ok" i said they screamed happily

"Happy Birthday Grandpa" i hugged him
"Thank you Arohi" he said kissing my forehead

"Ana" i hugging her she hugged me back i miss her so much as we pulled back then
We cut the cake i fed grandpa a bite then all the kids

They were so happy i laughed at their cuteness ana was talking to someone
As i looked at Noah he was running while playing

"Noah slow down you'll fall" i laughed as he looked at me smiling then ana came to me

"Arohi" she glared at me i frowned
"What" she placed her hands on her hips

"You said you are staying here for two days and you didn't tell Mr.raichand he asked me about you" she said i signed
"It's nothing" i whispered

"You guys had a fight i knew it" she Huffed and sat beside me
"Poor him he was so stressed" she said

"Don't worry he can take care of himself" i said she hugged me
"I don't know what happened between you two but I'm always there for you" she whispered i smiled

"I know babe" i whispered hugging her back
"Well how's Xavier" i said she looked at me glaring i smirked

"I don't know" she snapped i just laughed
There is something going on between them that's for sure

The day went playing with kids and ana she is also a kid for me haha
Even toh i didn't tried to show but my mind is always filled with his thoughts

My heart just wanted to go back to him but the words he said played in my mind it stopped me from going

"I'm starving" ana groaned
"You ate the cake like half of the part" i glared at her she pouted

"I was hungry" i shaked my head
"Arohi see who's here" grandpa said as i looked behind him my heart beat raised as the glass fell from my hands

"Mr.Raichand" ana got up from her seat
As i was just rooted to my place what is he doing here
"Mr.Raichand please come sit with us arohi serve him" Grandpa said i Nodded

His eyes never stopped looked at me i grow Nervous under his gaze as he silently sit beside me i served him then ana and grandpa

As we silently ate i felt his gaze i never looked at him as i was silently eating my food

Then grandpa started some conversation as the air grew thick the tension is visible between us I listened to his voice which is husky and sending shivers down my spine as he spoke

After finishing the dinner i was in the kitchen while ana was looking at me
"What" i said she shrugged

"Can't you see he is here for you" she said smiling i glared at her
"So what you want me to do" i said she rolled her eyes

Before she can say anything grandpa came in and smiled and the next thing he said
I was about to faint
"Mr.Raichand is staying the night" he said
While ana grinned i face palmed myself

Now why he is here he is the who wanted me to stay away from him i don't understand what he wants me to do

As i went upstairs i looked at the moon And the stars suddenly i felt a presence behind me i turned to see atharva

"Arohi" he whispered i gulped the tears i missed his voice what is wrong with me
"What do you want Atharva" i said

"I'm sorry" he said not meeting my eyes
"No you were right i shouldn't have crossed my limits" i whispered he looked at me with hurt in those dark brown eyes

"I was drunk i i didn't mean anything" he said and held my hand i smiled shaking my head
"Whatever you Said was right i am just your fake girlfriend" i chocked on my words blinking my tears back

"Arohi please forgive me" i cut him off
"I forgave you and I'm sorry for crossing my limits" i said and left him there as i went back to my room as i let my tears fall.

"Arohi please forgive me" i cut him off"I forgave you and I'm sorry for crossing my limits" i said and left him there as i went back to my room as i let my tears fall

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So how's the chapter Guys?
What will our atharva do now?
Aru is so hurt
Stay tuned for the next chapter

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