42| I Love you

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Arohi's pov:

Tears flowed from my eyes i felt like i couldn't breathe don't do this to me

Atharva you can't leave me please come back i can't live without you

"What" angel whispered she is also crying i gasped as Elena got unconscious
"Somebody call the doctor" i shouted

"Mom please wake up" angel cried
"Elena open your eyes please,Trust me nothing will happen to our atharva" he whispered carrying her to the room

Soon the doctor came and checked her
"You guys have to be careful,i already told you she can't handle stress,i gave her medicines she will be asleep for some time don't worry the medicine i gave to her she'll calm down a bit" he said
"Thank you doctor" we said then he left

I went to angel she was crying sitting in her bed as she saw me she hugged me crying i caressed her hair controlling my own tears
i have to be strong

"I just talked to him yesterday, arohi i love him so much please tell him to come back for his sister" she cried
"He will come back angel, don't cry you are strong right" i said she nodded crying, after sometime she fell asleep in my arms i kissed her forehead and tucked her under the blanket

I went to our room as i looked at his photo frame i clutched it to my chest my eyes teared up as i remembered his words
"One day princess,then I'll be infront of you"

"You said you will come back today then why are doing this to me,you told me you'd never hurt me again atharva please come back to me" i sobbed looking at his photo

The door opened as ana came and hugged me i sobbed in her arms
"I can't live without him ana,i love him so much" i whispered
"I know aru i know,nothing Will happen to him okay he will come back to you" she said i nodded wiping my tears

"Get some sleel you need it" she whispered and laid with me on the bed i don't know when i dozed off
And it's been a day and there is no news of him but i still have hope because I'm still alive without him in nothing

"Elena eat something" ace pleaded she didn't anything since yesterday she was all crying
Doctor said to take care of her but i know she won't have anything until she see him

"Elena please eat something,you know atharva will scold us when he came back
He'll say that we didn't took care of you" i said she nodded a small smile appeared on her face i smiled and hold her hand

"Trust me he'll come back,please eat you have to be healthy and strong right" i said she nodded as i fed her with my own hands
After she finished her food i gave her medicines and she fell asleep

"Thank you arohi, the best decision he ever made was to choose you" ace said patting my head i smiled at him

The whole day went waiting for him my eyes stuck on the door a hope that he'll be here
"You love him don't you" veer said i looked at him with a small smile and nodded
"Never give up on him Arohi, you are the light to his darkness" he whispered

"It's almost night" Xavier signed
"When he will be back I'm gonna beat him so bad how much he is fucking scaring us what is this prank i hate him" Rahul whispered veer and Xavier hugged him as he was almost crying I looked at these three how much they love him he is so lucky

"A group hug without me not fair guy's" a voice whispered which made my heart skip a beat as we all looked at the door and saw him standing at the door

I just stared him, he is here he is really here ana squeezed my hand
These three ran to him and literally jumped on him

"You scared us so much man" veer said
"Thank god you're fine" Xavier said
"I'm not talking to you" Rahul said
I just smiled at them then i turned to see
Elena ace and angel

"Atharva" Elena hugged him crying
"I hate you we were so scared" angel whispered he hugged both of them

"I'm fine see nothing happened to me" he whispered smiling at them after talking with them his eyes turned to me my breath hitched as i looked into his eyes

My eyes welled up I looked down not knowing what to say or how to react
"We'll go home, we will come back tomorrow" ace said and then everyone left leaving me and him alone

"Princess" he whispered i ran into his arms he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly as i cried
"Shhh I'm fine princess don't cry,I'm sorry" he said wiping my tears
"I was so scared,what if something happened to you" i whispered

"Nothing happened to me im here infront of you" he said cupping my cheeks i nodded
"Wait oh god you must be hungry,I'll prepare something for you go and shower" i said he opened his mouth but closed as i glared at him he signed and went upstairs

Then i prepared some food and went to our room as he was sitting there lost in his thoughts he looked up and smiled as i feed him and he ate everything not saying anything

After washing my hands i went to see him standing at the balcony his back is facing me i hugged him from behind feeling his bare skin as he didn't wear a shirt he turned to me still hugging me

"I can't live without you atharva,I'm nothing without you, i won't be alive if something happened to you,I'm so lucky that night i met you,you showed me what is love what is family,which i always wished for"

"I Love You" i whispered as i finally looked into his eyes his eyes also got moist
"I Love you too princess,you are the reason I'm still alive" he said brushing his lips against me the words i always wanted to hear from him he said it,my Heart filled with joy and love

After god knows how many minutes we broke the kiss we both smiled at each other
Then i noticed the small cuts on his body
"Atharva you are hurt wait I'll get the First aid"

As i was about to go he pulled me back holding my hand and placed it on his heart
"These wounds will only heal by your love" he whispered as my cheeks turned pink

"Will you let me princess" he said huskily i Nodded closing my eyes he picked me up in his arms

The moon and the stars witnessed our love as we completed each other.

So how's the chapter Guys?Ah they finally confessedIt's like a happy ending isn't itI wish too but there is still a lots of twists and turnsStay tuned'♡'

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So how's the chapter Guys?
Ah they finally confessed
It's like a happy ending isn't it
I wish too but there is still a lots of
twists and turns
Stay tuned

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