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Happy Valentine's Day my loves
And Today is your author's bday so here's the bonus chapter for you alll
I hope you all will love it
Thank you for making my heart a big hit forever grateful


Ten years passed ten years of their marriage and two beautiful kids and a loving family what else they can wish for

"Siya baby where are you" arohi called her five years old and looked for her everywhere and the house was too silent she went towards to the kitchen to check if she's ther her eyes widened as she looked at her

The little devil smiled at her mother sitting on the kitchen floor with chocolate spread all over her face

Arohi glared at her she melted the chocolate which was for the cake and she placed it on the counter so that it'll be away from her but her daughter is so smart she ended up eating the chocolate and some fell on the floor

The door opened and the son and father entered inside the duo frowned as the house was too silent and they both looked at each other and covered their ears the next moment

"Siya" arohi shouted at her who was giving her puppy eyes which almost melted her

Hearing her both ran to the kitchen

Atharva eyes widened as he looked at the scene infront of him agastya laughed at his sister who pouted at him

Arohi glared at him he gulped
"Look what your daughter did" she said
"What's my little princess did" he fake glared at her picking her up she giggled while the father and daughter ran upstairs

"Yeah save her like always,you are spoiling her atharva" she huffed as they disappeared she looked at the mess and signed now she have to clean this great

"Mama let me help you" agastya said she smiled and shook her head
"It's fine I'll do it, you go and shower ok" she said kissing his cheek he smiled and nodded

Siya is her father's little princess while Agastya is mama's boy

Siya is just like her father while Agastya is like his mother calm sweet but he also got a side of his father he don't show

It was routine for them to see the mother and daughter fighting it's like a cartoon show

Now agastya is ten year's old and siya is turning five she is the little bundle of joy in their lives and the whole family spoils her so much

Arohi cleaned all the mess and washed her hands until two hands wrapped around her from behind

"Hey princess" he kissed her cheek
"You still angry" he asked getting no response from her she left leaving him there and he followed her like a puppy

"Will you stop following me" she said
"Nope" he said and pulled her closer making her heart beat faster just like he always does

Ever after marrying him and having two kids it's like she falls for him everyday he is the only one who can make her feel things

"What about, I'll be in your service tonight and you ask me whatever you want" he said nuzzling his face in her neck

"Hmm that sounds good" she smiled
He looked at her and smiled thinking how lucky he is that she is his


The woman he love the mother of his kids the most patient and loving and caring woman

"I love you princess" he said and kissed her "I love you too husband" she said joining their foreheads

"Dadaaa" a voice interrupted them they both left each other one time siya caught both of them and let me tell you she is so possesive about him

She loves her mama but love dada more

"My little princess is here" atharva smiled picking her up siya smiled at them
"I'm sorry mama" she pouted arohi smiled and kissed her cheek
"It's ok baby, don't do it again okay" she said softly siya nodded

"Good girl" she giggled at them

Atharva looked at his family and a smile was on his face he never dreamed of having a family

But now look where he is

Life has many different things and some might be beautiful and some might be tough but in the end it's always for our best

These three are his world he was always alone and thought of living like that but now he can't imagine his life without them

He didn't believed in God that much but he was grateful to him for brining her into his life and whatever happened

He still remember the day he took her in his arms she was so tiny and small

He was over the moon when he got to know it's a girl

He was just awestrucked looking at his
Little princess

"Let's go it's sleep time" arohi said picking her up and both son and father followed her

Just like everyday Agastya laid his head on his mother's lap while she caressed his hair and siya dozed off hearing the story her father was telling

After they both slept they both closed the door and she took his hand
"I know you didn't ate anything, let's go" she said he smiled and nodded

He watched her as she prepared food it's been years and their love for each other growing more and more

She became his everything now he can't live even a second without her

"What are you looking" she asked knowing his stares at her
"Admiring my wife" he said and she chuckled and shook her head

After they were done eating she was watching some show and he went to shower

She gasped in surprise as he picked her
As they reached their room he looked the door and placed her on the bed

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck

"What are you doing" she whispered
"Making love to my wife" he said joining their lips a small giggle left from her

As the clock turned twelve
"Happy Valentine's day my love" they said and drowned in each other.


So how's the chapter Guy's?

Atharva's wish fulfilled

Agastya got a sister

How was meeting siya Raichand

Their family is complete now

I'm so happy

Do shower your love

Maybe I'll update another
Bonus In future.

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