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Arohi's pov:

A sigh leave my lips as i felt something soft and warmth as i snuggled more into it
Wait what i opened my eyes with a jerk as i looked it was atharva

What the fuck is he doing here and i am literally on top of him he held me protectively
Suddenly my head started hurting like hell
I groaned as i clutched my head

"What the fuck is happening here" i shouted
hearing me he woke up with a jerk and looked at me with his Sleepy eyes

damn he is looking so hot shut up arohi
This is not the fucking time

"Princess what happened" he whispered
"My head is hurting" i almost cried he left somewhere leaving me alone and again came back as i looked at him he was holding a glass of water and a medicine

"Thank you" i muttered after gulping it
and after sometime i felt a little bit better
then i noticed the surroundings i frowned

"Where am I" i asked he gulped
"In my apartment" he said my eyes widened
and as i got up the cover fell from my body as i looked at myself my mouth hung open I'm in just a shirt in a freaking shirt

When i turned to look at him he was already looking at me, not at my face exactly prevert
"Eyes up here" i glared at him he gulped and cleared his throat

"Why i am in your shirt" i asked he looked at me nervously i am waiting
"You were uncomfortable in that dress, so i gave you my shirt you changed yourself" he said i nodded

"Trust me when i was about to go you held my hand and said please don't go" he said mimicking me i glared at him
"You are joking" i said he smiled
"No Princess I'm not" he said i gulped fuck what else i did and embarassed myself and I'm not getting drunk in my life ever again

"Now will you tell me,why you got drunk" he asked i cursed rose, my one and only friend


My mind is going back to that bitch how can she fucking call him baby i just wanted to strangle her right there

"Oh god you look like you are ready to murder someone" rose said i glared at her
and why the heck im thinking about them
i don't care whatever i shook my head

"What happened, you look really pissed" she asked i signed
"I just want to forget something" i said
"I have a plan" rose smiled i frowned
"Let's go to the club, and let's forget about everything" she said

"No we are not going" i said she frowned
"Please please, it will be fun trust me" she whined i gave up
"Okay fine" i said she smiled and left i smiled shaking my head until a message popped on my mobile screen

Hey Princess :(
I frowned

How did you get my number
I asked him

You know it's easy for me ;)
He said i rolled my eyes yeah how i forgot that he is the great Atharva Raichand

Yeah whatever,stop bothering me I'm busy
I send him he was typing

Are you still angry wit me
He asked yes i am

No I'm not and why would I be?
I smiled good arohi

I'm sorry about whatever happened
And trust me i don't know what is she doing here fuck i don't even know anything
He said i scoffed

I don't care bye!
I said and turned off my phone

And i was busy in work and as evening came me and rose left to the club asher was out of town otherwise he would have joined us we both entered and had a couple of drinks
And we both danced for sometime

She had to go as she was caught up with something and i was still here gulping the drink i should go home yeah but where is my home as i forgot and everything felt dizzy i frowned and i took my phone and called him

And the rest is history!
My cheeks heat up as i remembered some things fuck what have i done
"Thank you, and I'm sorry" i whispered
"There is nothing to be embarassed about" he said softly and again i lost in his eyes

"So you're jealous huh" he said there was a small smirk on his face i glared at him
"Jealous my foot" i scoffed

Suddenly i remembered shit mom and dad
"Where is my phone, mom dad they'd be so worried" i was blabbering he placed his finger on my lips silencing me

"Don't worry i send them a message that you are staying at your friend tonight" he said
I signed in relief

"I should go" i said and got up he held my hand i turned to him
"Stay for breakfast, please" he said
"Okay" i whispered he smiled
"You can shower I'll go and make breakfast and i bought a dress for you" he said giving me the bag and left

As i looked inside the bag i looked at the dress it was really beautiful i placed it on the bed and went to shower
"Here's the breakfast" he smiled i took a bite
"It's really delicious" i said and gave him a small smile he rubbed his neck
"Thank you" he whispered

"Your shirt got a stain" i said he nodded
"Yeah, I'll just go and change wait" he said i nodded as he left i ate the remaining breakfast and i realised how much i missed him and his food

Suddenly his mobile rang i looked for him but he is upstairs but what if it's important
I picked it up

"Hello" i said it was silent for a moment
"Arohi" my eyes widened it was veer
"Oh my god it's really you" he whispered

"How are you" i stuttered
"I'm fine, and you guys are back together" he said happily i gulped
"No we aren't" i whispered
"He didn't told you" he asked

"What" i asked he signed
"Look i know he fucked up badly, but just listen to him once he also went through alot just give him a chance please" he pleaded
"I will think about it " i said after a moment

"Thank you so much" he whispered
"And i really missed you" i smiled
"I missed you too" i said
"Okay bye" he said i cut the call and placed the mobile on the table

What is that i don't know and atharva didn't told me as i was lost in my thoughts atharva came downstairs i looked at him

And i know he is the only one who can give me the answers to all of my questions.

So how's the chapter Guys?I hope you all liked itwhat is arohi going to doWill she give him a chance?Stay tuned to know

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So how's the chapter Guys?
I hope you all liked it
what is arohi going to do
Will she give him a chance?
Stay tuned to know.

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