38| Distant

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Atharva's pov:

As i watched her sleeping i know she is hiding something and there is something going on I'll find it no matter what

She was happy when she came to meet me
Today marco yeah i called him he has to know something i placed her head on the pillow carefully so she won't wake up

Then i went outside "Boss" he said
"What happened today morning arohi is hiding something and her mood is off do you know what happened" i asked him

"No boss i don't know what happened but when she came back from your office she looked sad before she was happy and she even said that she wanted to go to the store"

"When i asked her after she came back she said that she wanted to go home i tried to ask her but she was silent" he said

"Find what happened I'm sure whatever happened it's happened in the office" i said
"Yess boss don't worry I'll find out" he said i Nodded and cut the call

"Trust me princess I'll find out that person whoever is the reason behind your sadness and I'll punish them so bad this is my promise" i whispered looking at her and placed a kiss on her forehead
"Atharva wake up" i opened my eyes rubbing as i looked at my side it was empty
"Atharva" i felt a smack on my forehead i frowned as i looked at martha

"Martha why are you hitting me like in morning" i groaned she glared at me
"What did you do" she asked i looked at her confused "what do you mean i don't get it" i said she signed

"Martha is everything okay" i asked
"Arohi she is going" she whispered
"What do you mean she is going" i shouted im already going downstairs my steps stopped as i looked at her

"Princess" i whispered hearing my voice she looked at me for a second then as always looking at the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world

"Where are you going" i asked her
"I wanted to stay at ana for few days im missing her can i go" she whispered i cupped her cheek as i looked into her eyes

"Of course you can go you don't have to ask me you can spend some time with ana i know you miss her" i said I don't know why she is behaving weird with me

"I Just wanted to ask Do i did something" i whispered she Shaked her head i signed

"Then what's wrong princess" i whispered
She was silent as i got it there is no answer
"Ok leave it lets go I'll drop you" i said and held her hand

"Marco will drop me" she said as i turned to her nothing came from my mouth i just looked at her tried to not show that i am hurt

"Okay" i whispered as we both walked outside as she get in the car i turned to Marco "Text me after dropping her" i said he nodded

Arohi's pov:

"Marco will drop me" i said instantly he stopped and turned to look at me i gulped as he tried to hide his hurt my heart clenched seeing him like this I'm sorry atharva

"Okay" he whispered nodding we both silently walked outside as i sat in the car
He was talking something to Marco then he turned to me

"Take care of yourself" he whispered i nodded and looked away as Marco started the car i wiped the tear which escaped from my eye

Soon we reached as i entered inside after greeting grandpa and the kids I went to our room which is mine and Ana's

As i Opened the door i looked at her still sleeping i smiled as i went near her and screamed in her ear
"Anaaaaaaa" she woke up with a jolt
"Ahhhhh" she screamed i laughed looking at her face she is looking so funny

"What the fuck are you doing here" she looked at me with her big eyes
"Oh my god you are real" she whispered hugging me i Chuckled hugging her back

"I came here to see you and stay here a few days with you" i said she broke the hug and narrowed her eyes at me
"What" i said looking away

"You are here that too in the morning and even you came with your luggage" she said looking suspicious
"I just wanted to spend some time with you fine I'm going" i said

"Hey aru stop i was just kidding" she smiled
"Well Mr.raichand can't stay away from you for a minute how did he agree to stay away from you for days" she chuckled
I'm the one who pushed him away

"Where are you lost" i came from my thoughts as ana called me
"Nowhere" i said

"Will you tell me if there is something right" she said i Nodded as
"Ok let's go I'm so hungry" she said
"Let's go" i smiled at her

Then my mobile rang as i looked it was angel i was About to pick up but stopped as i remembered that everybody lied to me even angel

Atleast she should have told me the truth
I deserve to know right

"Aru come fast" she shouted
"Yeah ana I'm coming" i said and went to her leaving my phone on the bed.

So how's the chapter Guys?I hope you all liked itWill Atharva find out what happenedLet's see Please vote and commentStay tuned for more

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Will Atharva find out what happened
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