45| Surprises

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Arohi's pov:

Everything is going great as i looked at everyone enjoying and looking happy
As atharva was talking with the boys i went to talk with my girls

"You are glowing" ana smirked
"What no" i whispered
"Ah don't worry we don't want details because he is my brother" angel said
"And he is my boss" ana frowned

"Even toh he is your boss and brother I'm not going to tell you two anything" i said rolling my eyes
"Whatever" they muttered smiling

"Aww the way he is looking at you" ana whispered i blushed as i looked at him
already looking at me with a smile
"My brother is whipped" angel giggled

As we were talking i noticed someone
"Wait here ,I'll come back" i said they nodded
I went towards him and patted his shoulder as he turned back i smiled at him

"Hey" i grinned
"Bella" he whispered smiling as we both hugged each other
"How are you" he asked
"I'm good" i said he nodded we both were talking until my man came here

"Raichand" Jacob said
"Romano" he said still glaring at me urgh
This man and his possessiveness

"Congratulations" Jacob whispered and they hugged each other for a sec yeah i don't know what happened between these two
sometimes they act like they care about each other and sometimes they behave like strangers

"Thank you" atharva replied i can see the proudness in Jacob's eyes while i just stand there staring at them

"Enjoy the night" i said trying to light up the atmosphere he smiled and nodded as atharva dragged me with him as i looked back at Jacob he was with some men he once again looked at me smiled assuring me he was not alone i gave him one last smile and turned to my man

My mind was with so many questions but seeing his mood i decided to not ask anything he'll tell me when he wants to right

"What" i frowned at him
"Nothing" he muttered i signed and snaked my arms around his neck he gulped looking at me as i slowly placed my lips in his he relaxed instantly and pulled me to him i pulled back gasping as it was becoming too intense

"Patience Mr.raichand" i whispered as he groaned i giggled
"Yeah laugh,I'll show you when we go home" he muttered i gulped and smirked
"We'll see" i said and left from there i just love to tease him

Okay where is these two i told them to wait here just i was looking for them
"Excuse me" i turned to see a man he is looking a bit familiar but i never saw him
"Arohi right" he asked i nodded

"Sorry but I don't know you sir, what can I do for you" i said
"Ana Williams do you know her right" he asked i frowned and nodded
"Yes she is my best friend" i said

"She is my daughter, i am Mathew Williams" he said i looked at him shocked
"What" i said dumbfounded still trying to process he showed me a photo my eyes widened as i looked at that, it's ana in a women arms and him when he was young

"Do you believe me now, if you don't believe when she was a child, she had a bracelet Carved her name ana Williams" he said i remembered the bracelet she had she was wearing that all her childhood

"Where were you and you are here now after all these years" i almost shouted
"Trust me i searched for her everywhere but we didn't find her,her mom still cries for her arohi please i want my daughter back" he whispered almost tears in her eyes

"Mr.williams please don't be sad, you'll get your daughter back i promise" he smiled at me joining his hands i shaked my head
"What are you doing you are older than me and you are also like my father Please don't do this" i whispered

"Thank you" he said Patting my head i Smiled at him
"How did you find her" i asked him
"When i saw the News about atharva they were also showing about his assistant when i read ana Williams and i saw her picture i knew it was her" he said

"She will be so happy" i said getting excited
"It's her birthday in one week" he whispered
"And that day she will get the best surprise of her life" i said he nodded

"Mr.williams" atharva muttered behind him he looked at us confused
"Atharva" Mathew said smiling at him
"Oh i was just talking to your girlfriend, best choice young man, and congratulations I'm so proud of you" he said we both smiled
"Thank you" atharva said after talking with us he left as we talked we'll surprise ana on her birthday oh my god i still can't believe

"Let's dance princess" i came out of my thoughts as atharva called me and already pulled me to the dance floor i smiled at him and placed my hands on his chest as he snaked his arms around my waist until there is no gap between us

As we both swayed to the music i closed my eyes feeling this moment
"I love you" he whispered i smiled
"I love you too" i whispered

As i looked at the couples dancing me my eyes caught something
My eyes widened as i looked at the scene infront of me ok what is going on

Angel in Jacob's arms as i looked at them their eyes stuck on each other i didn't miss the tension and attraction between them as
they are dancing together forgetting about the world

Okay i didn't expected this much surprises today

As i looked at atharva and again looked at them he'll fucking kill him if he saw oh my god i have to do something

What is interesting that your eyes got stuck there,when I'm here" he joked and was about to turn in that direction my heart beat raised
no i pulled him and smashed my lips against his as he looked at me surprised then kissed me back i closed my eyes as i succeeded distracting him

"Nothing" i whispered while pulling back he looked at me with desire and love and again smashed his lips against me kissing me passionately as his hands traveled to my waist to my thigh as he gripped it a moan escaped form my lips

"When we go home I'll make love to you all night princess" he whispered in my ears again twirled me that my front is touching his back

"See how hard i am for you" he rasped
grinding his hard on against my ass i gasped
"Let's go then" i said.

Pls 70 votes on this chapter :)

So how's the chapter Guys?Ahhh Jacob and angel finally metYayyy ana found her parentsAnd don't worry the romance is in the next chapter okay now relaxStay tunedMuahh

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So how's the chapter Guys?
Ahhh Jacob and angel finally met
Yayyy ana found her parents
And don't worry the romance is in
the next chapter okay now relax
Stay tuned

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