35| Ex-Fiance

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Arohi's pov:

"Hello" i whispered grinning
"Hey Princess" his voice came from the other side i bite my lip

"Don't bite your lip" he said i gasped how he knows everything i cleared my throat

"What do you want Mr.raichand" i said
"I forgot my file at home Ms.mehra so if you are free can you bring it for me"he said

"Well I'm busy i can't" i said
"Please" he sang i smiled

"I promise I'll make it up to you tonight" he whispered i know he is smirking my cheeks turned red hearing his talks
"Fine I'm coming" i said and cut the call before he can say anything

This man has no filter in his mouth
We came back to home morning after that day and from that day this man is teasing me like everyday

Well im loving his playful side
But I'm afraid of telling my feelings to him
I came back from my thoughts as Martha was saying something

"What happened" she asked
"Oh it's he forgot his file" i said

"Wait i saw it when i was cleaning his room in the morning" she said i nodded after taking the file i left to his office

"Marco can you take me to the store later"
He nodded i smiled after that incident he appointed Marco as my driver

From that day he never let me go alone
He was always with me whenever i want to go somewhere when he is busy he sent Marco

I came from my thoughts as we arrived i excited the car and went inside Then i looked for ana but she's nowhere

"Layla is Mr.raichand free now" i asked her
"No mam he is talking with someone please wait few minutes" she said i nodded

"I didn't see Ana you have any idea where is she" i asked her she Shaked her head
But suddenly the door opened to his cabin as a women stormed out

"Mam you can go now" she said i nodded giving her a small smile as i entered his back was facing me i went near him and placed my hand on his shoulder

He turned back instantly but seeing me his expression softened as he take a deep breath

"What happened are you okay" i frowned cupping his cheek he opened his eyes and looked at me and hugged me after sometime we broke the hug

"Nothing princess just work" he smiled
"Who was she" i asked him his smile gone again the same hard look again in his voice

"Nobody" he said dryly i frowned maybe he don't wanna talk about it so i decided to drop the matter

"You know where is ana" i asked him
"She went somewhere with Xavier" he said
I raised my brow suprised

"Xavier" i asked him he nodded
"Yeah Xavier and ana" he said
"There is something going on between them and she didn't told me anything" i scowled he chuckled

"Well Here's the file you asked" i showed him the file and placed it in his Table

"So can i go now" i said and was about to grab the door but he grabbed me and pinned me as my back touched to the door i gasped

"Why so hurry princess" he whispered looking into my eyes as i opened my mouth but nothing came out he smirked we are so close his lips alomost touching mine

"Behave Mr.Raichand you are in office" i said
"But I'm the boss here" he smirked i suddenly pushed him as he was surprised at my move

"And I'm your boss see you at home Mr.Raichand" i smirked as he looked at me mouth Agape i giggled

"Wait for tonight and I'll show you who's the boss" he whispered as i gave him a flying kiss and left from there as i heard him cursing i just love teasing him

Suddenly i bumped into someone
"Oh my god I'm sorry" i whispered as i looked at her then i realised she is the same women

"It's you" she said i frowned she is giving me not so good vibes
"Sorry i don't know you" i said

"How much money do you want"
"Excuse me" i almost shouted
"Stop this drama i know you want money that's why you are with him" she said

"See i don't know what are you talking about and i think you mistaken" she cut me off
"Arohi isn't it" she said i stopped talking

"How do you know my name" i said she chuckled as she looked at me from top to bottom
"I don't know what he saw in you you are nothing but a gold digger" she said

"Just shut up and who the hell are you" i said
"Oh so your boyfriend didn't told me about you" she said i frowned
"At least I thought Angelina told you"

"How do you know them" i said she laughed
"Honey you are so innocent" she whispered

"The cafe remember" she said as i tried to recall my eyes widened as i realised she is the same women angel was talking to

"Finally you remembered me well no worries let me introduce myself
"I'm Addison your boyfriend's Ex-Fiance".

So how's the chapter Guys?I hope you all liked itSome misunderstandings gonna happen between them?Stay tuned♡

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So how's the chapter Guys?
I hope you all liked it
Some misunderstandings gonna happen between them?
Stay tuned

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