22| Hurt

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Atharva's pov:

Fuck this is a bad idea i made a big mistake bringing her here as she said there is a man holding a gun i know something is going to happen

"You guys have to leave now" i said as they nodded understanding while i dragged arohi with me

After reaching outside they started the car
"Atharva what's happening" she asked me i know she's scared

"Just be safe okay" i said kissing her forehead as i made her sit in the car

"But you" she whispered
"I'll come soon ok Don't worry" i said closing the door

"Take care of yourself" they said i Nodded
As i Watched them leave

My eyes were just stuck on her while she was watching me from the window

Then i went inside as just i entered it was guns firing already shit i quickly hide behind a pillar and take my gun out from my jacket

As i also started shooting i looked beside
It was Romano he also looked at me

"Watch out" i screamed as he turned to the side as the bullet missed him
"You can't get rid of me that easily" he smirked i Rolled my eyes

"Let's finish it" i said he nodded
As we both shoot all the men which is our enemies mine and Jacob's

"Probably they are here for leo" he grunted
"Yeah he is behind the bars now" i said

"And that fucker thought his men can kill us fucking piece of shit" he hissed isigned as we finished all of them

"Atharva" i heard a scream my eyes widened
No no as i run into the room my anger raised as i shot the two men in their heads

"Sir are you okay" i held him as he struggled to get up as i looked at my hands it was covered in blood shit he is bleeding

"Marco start the car" i yelled as he hurriedly went as i helped him to get up suddenly a man came and pointed the gun at us

Before i can do anything he was dead as his body fell down on the floor i looked up to see Jacob i looked at sir he was unconscious

"Hurry take him to the hospital" i said to my men they nodded before i go with them i turned to him

"I thought i would never say this but Thank You for saving me" i said he nodded
"They are our enemies and everyone has to know that Only i have the right to kill you"he smirked

"I still hate you" i said he chuckled
"Take care Raichand" he said i Nodded as we both left from there as i drove to hospital

"Marco is he okay" i said as he shaked his head then doctor came as i went to him
"How's he" i Asked him he gulped

"Mr.Raichand he he lost so much blood we can't say anything right now" he said i held his collar

"I don't care i want to him safe do anything he has to be ok understood" i shouted as he nodded shaking in fear before Marco dragged me away from

"Sir calm down let him do his work" he said as i sat on the chair as a tear fell from my eye looking at him

"You have to be ok you can't leave me"
i whispered god please i can't lose him

Arohi's pov:

As these guys dropped me home while i was waiting for him I'm so fucking worried i don't know what's happening

"Veer please call him he's not picking up my calls" i said as tears flowing from my eyes
"Arohi dont worry I'm also trying he'll come soon please don't cry" he said

"But he's there it's so dangerous why he didn't come with us" i asked him as he fell silent i was so confused

"Arohi I'm sorry it's not my place to tell ask him he'll tell you everything and take care don't worry nothing will happen to him"
He said and cut the call

While i was just looking at the screen blankly lots of questions and thoughts in my mind
God please just protect him

Suddenly the door opened i got up to see Atharva finally my heart is at peace i breathed in relief that he is safe and he is here infront me

As he came near me i noticed his state which is looking so bad as i looked at his hand i gasped

"Athara you're bleeding" i cried as i held his hand but he moved away from me
"Arohi leave me alone" he whispered why is he talking like that is he drunk

"What happened to you how can I leave you like that your hand is bleeding" i said
"Just leave me alone" he said

"Atharva" he cut me off i flinched at his tone
"Can't you just fucking understand leave me alone don't try to be my real girlfriend be in your limits "he shouted and closed the door

As a sob escaped from my mouth my heart is feeling so heavy as i went to the guest room and cried my eyes out

What's my fault here i just wanted him to be okay his hand oh my god i wiped my tears and searched for the first aid kit

Then i went to his room i slowly opened the door my hands are still trembling there is no sound coming

As i entered inside i looked at the couch he was laying on the couch i slowly went towards him and took off his shoes then his shirt then i band-aid his hand

"I won't bother you from tomorrow"i whispered caressing his hairs and placed a kiss on his forehead as my tear fell on him

After covering him with the duvet i left from there i know he is drunk that's why he said all this but still my heart can't take it anymore

He is right i don't have any right on him he is right it's better if i stay in my limits

Its gonna end in month's anyways.

So how's the chapter Guys?I know atharva acted like a bishBut don't hate us he is gonna make it upIn the next chapterSee ya!

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So how's the chapter Guys?
I know atharva acted like a bish
But don't hate us he is gonna make it up
In the next chapter
See ya!

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