Chapter 33

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Phoenix's POV- the next morning

Niall, I really hate to do this, but I think we need a break. I think that's what would be best for the both of us. All of us, really. I really love you, but I need some closure, and I'm still pissed that you cheated on me -P

I sent him a text in the morning, right before I poked Harry. Somehow, he was collapsed at the foot of the hospital bed, on top of my feet, and I had to pee.

"Psst, Haz, move," I whispered, starting to shove him off the bed.

"I'm up," he groaned. Everyone else began to stir as well. Odd, everyone seemed to wake up at the same time.

"Thanks," I made sure to whisper until everyone else was fully awake. On my way, I reached into the closet and grabbed the clothes I was planning to wear today. It was my official discharge day, and in order to stay on schedule with the tour, we had to leave today.

When I came out of the bathroom, everyone was on their phones, at the very least attempting to wake up. I heard a knock on the door, so I went to let the person, who happened to be Niall, in.

"Good morning," I said briskly.

"I brought you a cuppa," he said meekly.

"Thank you," I took the cup from him and took a sip of the warm Irish breakfast tea as I exited the room.

I grabbed my discharge instructions from the nurses' station and read them over to myself. As I began the walk back to the room, I bumped into someone and nearly spilled my tea.

"I'm so sorry," I looked up and saw Ed Sheeran.

"No problem, Phoenix. I was actually looking for your room, since that's where I'm assuming you all are," he walked beside me as I walked back toward the room.

"Ed!!!" I heard lads chorus as we walked into the room.

Luke's, Ashton's, Michael's, and Calum's faces were all priceless when they saw that THE Ed Sheeran had just walked in the room.

"Mr. Sheeran, it's an honor to meet you," they almost began kissing his feet.

"I take it you guys have never worked with Ed before?" Harry asked.

I burst out laughing as I began to pack my things.

"What? What's so funny?" Ashton asked.

"I've worked with Ed for several songs on my album, yet you guys act like he's a superhero or some sort of celebrity," I chuckle to myself.

"He is an idol," Luke said defiantly.

"Oh, you lads are such a crack-up," I wiped a fake tear as we moved out of the room and back into the buses.

"I'll stay with Payrin, Luke, Mikey, and those guys. Ed, you should stay with Niall, Harry, and them," I said, climbing the bus and breathing in the musky scent.

**************on the bus****************

"Anyone wanna do a Twitcam with me?" I called to no one in particular. I heard food being dropped and controllers slammed down as the four lads ran over to sit behind me.

"Payrin? You up for one?" I asked.

"Eh, sure. Why not?" she got up and sat in Calum's lap.

"Hi guys! I'm Phoenix, and yeah, I'm on the bus with 5 Seconds of Summer and Calum's girlfriend Payrin," I began.

"Hey, someone wants us to sing a song for them," Luke pointed out. I guess he was reading what people were saying.

"Um, should we all sing a song about carnivals?" Michael asked.

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