Chapter 42

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Niall's POV

The sun rose, and I looked down at the beautiful Phoenix sleeping on my chest. Once she had recalled the nightmare for us, she seemed to fall asleep pretty quickly. I reassured the others that she was okay, and they all went back to bed. 

Phoenix stirred a little in my arms before turning her head up to me and opening her eyes.

"Morning," I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Hi," she smiled up at me.

"Today's a day off, and tomorrow we leave for Marseilles," I played with her hair as she woke up some more. 

"Okay," she sat up, or rather, struggled to sit up.

"You alright?" I asked, sensing something was wrong.

"No, I just need to jump in the shower. Don't I have a doctor's appointment to see if we can figure out what's wrong with me?" Phoenix got up and began to grab some things from her bunk.

"Yeah. Doesn't Payrin usually wash your hair for you?" I asked. This was not the normal Phoenix I was used to seeing. What was going on?

"I can do it today. Besides, I need a legit shower," she answered before disappearing to the bathroom.

After her shower, she came out, towel-drying her long hair upside down, dressed in some dark wash shorts, a white v-neck, and a purple and black flannel.

"You survive your shower alright?" I asked. 

"Yep," she stood upright and tousled her hair a little. Her was was absolutely perfect when it was air-drying.

"Who's taking you to the appointment?" I asked, checking the time. The time read 12:45, and the appointment was at 1:30.

"I'm thinking I'll probably take Dani and Payrin. Or just Dani. Or Harry. Not sure yet," she answered, thinking for a bit.

"Can I go?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. Maybe she'd let me go, and then I could take her out to ice cream or something like that.

"Well," she thought for a minute.

"You might get mobbed, or the rumours could fly that we're pregnant," she reflected.

"You're right. Um, take Dani with you," I said. Dani could be brutally honest with me, and I could take that from her.

Phoenix's POV

So, if you were to ask me, "Phoenix, are there tensions between you and Niall?" I would probably say "On my end, yes." I was starting to fall out of like with him. I know, it hurts. But we had a good time together as a couple. I loved him. And yes, I can see what made me fall in love with him. But now, sadly, I need to move on. Yes, I'll always love him, and we'll still be friends. I just needed to tell him somehow. 

Dani was scheduled to go with me for my doctor's appointment, but she wouldn't mind if Niall went with me. 

"Niall, I want you to come with me and Dani to my doctor's appointment," I said, pulling on my black Converse.

His face at my words was priceless: it was like a kid on Christmas. He quickly got his shoes on, and the three of us walked out to hail a taxi to go to the hospital.

At the hospital, we didn't have to wait long to see the doctor, and soon I was describing what was going on, with Niall and Dani chiming in every so often.

"It started out with me being really tired, so I thought maybe I was reacting differently to the tour life. I did my best to get as much extra sleep as I could, not going out partying after shows and whatnot," I explained.

"Then, she started coughing and sneezing. It usually ended up waking the whole bus up sometimes. Yes, there were times when we were annoyed, but we couldn't be annoyed for long, because she was so cute when she was sick," Niall added.

"Hey!" I slapped him lightly on the arm.

"With the coughing and sneezing came the itchy and watery eyes. Payrin and I had to tell her not to touch her eyes or she would ruin her makeup and there wasn't time before the show to fix it." Dani wrapped up.

The doctor wrote all this down, and explained that I was going to need a blood test, as she thought I had mono. So, I laid down on the bed, and a nurse came in and took some blood. I squeezed Niall's and Dani's hands the entire time the needle was in my arm, because I hate needles. Hate them with a passion. I hate shots and any type of thing like that. 

After the blood test, the doctor looked at it, and then she came back. She told me that I have mono and that I can't do shows anymore for six weeks. I could do meet 'n' greets, and signings and stuff like that, but no shows. Basically, my spleen was enlarged, and if I did too much, that would rupture my spleen, which wouldn't end well. 

Niall and Dani took me back to the bus, and I went back to sleep, not even caring about saying hi or good night to anyone. Surprisingly, I didn't have a nightmare.


Author's Note

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated all week. I started school this past week, so there's been that, along with coping with the stress that comes with that, and the homework. Second, I'm currently sick, have been since Friday, so I apologize if this chapter doesn't meet up to the expectations of the other chapters. Third, yesterday I went to Indianapolis to WhoNA, Who North America, and bought some Doctor Who stuff. WhoNA is an online store, but one Saturday a month, they open up to the public and you can actually go in and buy stuff there. That was fun. I got a beanie, a wallet, a bracelet, and a shirt. 

I make no promises on an updating schedule, but I'll update when I can.

Love you guys lots!


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