Chapter 34

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Phoenix's POV

"Where were you last night?" someone asked me, arousing me out of my slumber.

"What do you want?" I groaned, rolling out of the bunk and trying not to wince at how sore I was from last night.

"You heard me," that someone became Luke.

"It was a late night, and I had a rough show," I rubbed at my eyes, looking at my hand and realizing I had smudged my makeup.

"Well, what did you do after the show?" Luke followed me into the bathroom as I wiped my makeup off with a wipe.

"I was, uhh, trying to have a good time?" I answered distractedly.

"One, how come your head doesn't hurt? Two, your eyes weren't bloodshot. Three, you were very sober. Four, your hair was a mess. Five, you're limping this morning," he listed out for me.

I threw the makeup wipe away and pulled him in the bathroom, closing the door behind us.

"You cannot, and I repeat, CANNOT tell a soul, alright?" I hissed.

He nodded, smirking like he always did when he knew he was right.

"I was over on the 1D bus, with Ed," I explained, hoping he would make sense of it all.

"So, you didn't even go to a bar. You went and had sex with Ed Sheeran, am I right?" he guessed.

I nodded, sighing. I was caught, and I had to own up to my mistake.

"Ya know, that doesn't make you any better than Niall," he pointed out.

"I know, I know. But he PLANNED to cheat on me! Ed had been hitting on me all day! What was I to do?!" I could feel my voice getting louder.

"Not have sex with him!" his voice rose to match mine.

"I had a rough show last night. He helped me relax and have a good time," I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

"There are other ways to relax. But no, you just HAD to go and cheat on him, just like he cheated on you," he crossed his arms.

"Ok, I broke it off with him yesterday. We are on a break. That means we are free to see other people. It just kinda happened," I crossed my arms to mimic him.

I walked out of the bathroom, dropping my arms and running my hands through my hair, in an attempt to neaten my hair.

"Missed you last night," Mikey commented, keeping his attention on the screen where he was playing FIFA.

"Already went over this with Luke. Don't need to go over this again," I grumbled, grabbing my stuff to go take a shower.

"Go over what?" Calum asked.

I groaned and dragged Payrin to the couch.

"Mike, pause the game," I said, going to stand in front of the tv.

Luke stood behind the couch, arms crossed. I really didn't want to do this, but I wouldn't really have much of a choice.

"So, yes. I came back kinda late last night, and you all deserve to know why.

I had sex with Ed Sheeran," I let that sink in for a minute.

The room went silent. What is it with rooms going silent?

"That explains why your head didn't hurt," Payrin thought aloud.

"And why your eyes weren't boodshot," Calum pondered.

"You were quite sober," Ashton reflected.

"I wondered why your hair was a bit messier than usual, but I supposed that could've been due to tossing and turning," Michael conjectured.

"And, she was limping this morning, if you noticed," Luke spoke up, smirking.

"I was trying NOT to go into that," I said, teeth clenched.

"I know you. I have your every quirk memorized, and limping for no apparent reason is not one of them. You're obviously not injured, so I put two and two together," he smirked again.

"You put all that together?" Ash asked, dumbfounded.

"Only because I know her to a T. Remember, we dated. I got to know her VERY well. I could tell you that she was two weeks late," Luke opened his mouth to spout some other useless fact he knew about me.

"Ok, Luke, that's enough. No one needed to know I was two weeks late. I didn't know I was pregnant, thank you very much," I cut him off.

"Satisfied?" I turned to the lads.

They nodded, and Payrin pulled me aside.

"Are you sure that was the right thing to do? I mean, I wouldn't have done that," she said cautiously.

"Well, it was a rough night, trust me. I didn't do very well at the concert, and everyone else was busy. Ed was the only one there, and I needed a guy to cuddle. And Niall and I aren't exactly buddy-buddy. Ed took me to the bus, and it just kinda, ya know, happened. I didn't really ask him to fuck me like he did," I explained.

"Well, you're in a pickle. You should really tell the others," she suggested.

"But Pay, Ed will kill me if I spill our secret," I protested.

"Does he know it's a secret?" she asked.

"It's kinda an implied secret?" I turned the statement into a question.

"He doesn't have to know, does he?"

"He'll find out. Trust me, knowing Niall, since they're close, he'll tell him. Or Harry, the older brother will tell him to beat the living daylights out of him. Or Liam, because he'll talk to him and chew him out. Payrin, I know these lads too well," I whined.

"But Phoenix, if you and Niall are going to get back together, then the relationship can't have any secrets when you guys come back together," Payrin said.

"You're right. I'll tell him later tonight," I sighed, grabbing my gathered stuff and jumped in the shower.


Author's Note

So, the bus has found out. Ed might kill her??? Who knows. I started righting this today.... Not too shabby. Met the word count approximation for chapter one... Didn't want it to be too short, now did I?

Love you Hopefuls

Lizzy-Loki :)

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