Chapter 8

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2 months later

Phoenix's POV

I was finally normal! Well, as normal as one could get when learning how to walk again. I went to physical therapy everyday but Saturday and Sunday, and those days were torturous and brutal as hell. My trainer pushed me as hard as I could go and then some. There were days where I could barely walk after therapy. The lads went with me, cheering me on, but I still beat myself up internally because I wasn't like everyone else. 


Niall walked into the kitchen while I was eating dinner, with a queer look on his face, as if something was on his mind. 

"What's up, Niall?" I asked.

He sighed deeply before sitting down across from me at the island. 

"Phoenix, are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I was on my guard.

"I want to know something: what happened two months ago? Is it even safe to ask?"

"Yeah, it's fine, but it's also long. Do you have time?" I said while loading my dishes into the dishwasher. He nodded as I sat down again, taking a deep breath before I began.

"Dad's an alcoholic, always at the pubs, pissed as hell when he's drunk. Mum's in rehab because she works too much. Kris went to military school after high school and then took a couple years off. When Kris was home, life was hell on earth. He never allowed me to do what I wanted unless it benefited him, like shopping. If he saw pictures of me doing something like going bowling after school or if he heard about it, which he always did, he would come into my room and physically and mentally abuse me, which explains the bruises. One day, he called me while he was deployed, saying he was coming to get me. He sounded drunk. That was the day I shooed you out of my room. More recently, Kris sent someone to kidnap me, taking me to some sort of compound he ran. Everyday he would abuse me physically and mentally, and my guards would take me to my room afterward. When you lads rescued me, I had almost lost hope but for the sirens. My guards had just dropped me in my room when you kicked my door open. I saw you in the doorway and my life felt complete. If I was going to die, I wouldn't have had any regrets," I finished, feeling really vulnerable. I didn't know what to do with myself, but I still had one secret that no one was ever going to know. 

Niall took a deep breath after being flooded with this lot of new information.

"Phoenix," he began.

"Niall, as much as I would love to talk some more, I'm really tired," I lied, pleading with my eyes and adding a fake yawn.

"Ok. Good night, Phoenix," was all he said.

What I really meant by 'I'm going to bed' was 'I don't want to talk to you because I'm sure you hate me.' I was actually going to text my BFF, Dani.

Hey girl I sent to her.

HEYYYY how are you? she replied.

I'm alright. So you know that huge crush you have on Harry?


How would you like to go on a date with him?


Nope. I live with them. What do you say?


Alright I'll go ask him. 

As I walked out of my room, I was cornered by Niall.

"What are you doing out of bed?" he demanded.

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