Chapter 2

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Two Weeks Later

Phoenix's POV

Today was the day. Two weeks ago, I got a flier advertising an audition, and the winner would be signed to SyCo, One Direction's recording label. I figured that I probably wouldn't be chosen, but it couldn't hurt to try.

I walked into that same mall feeling strangely alone: Kamron was at a friend's house, and Kris was at work. I had my guitar, a beautiful acoustic, gifted to me by my mum and autographed by Taylor Swift, and I was fairly fluent at the piano, along with a naturally good singing voice. I entered the long audition queue to sign up when my phone rang.

"Yes, Mum?" I answered abruptly.

"Hi dear! Kris's been deployed, so you and Kamron will be staying at the home of my co-worker's son for a while. I've an important meeting , so I've got to dash. Bye!" she hurriedly exchanged this information with me. My jaw dropped in shock. Kris's been deployed? I'm staying with a stranger? Well my autumn was looking to be enjoyable.

I was handed an audition form to fill out by Harry Styles, which took me all of about a minute to fill out, so I gave it back to him.

"So you're Phoenix?" he asked me after quickly scanning the form.

I nodded, swallowing thickly.

"Well it seems that you'll be staying with me and the lads for a while. I'm Harry, by the way," he presented his hand for a hand shake.

I took his hand, willing my own to go steady. Why was I nervous? I don't get performance jitters. What was happening?

Chasing these thoughts away, I confidently made my way to the private stage, which reminded me of American Idol, where my audition would be held.

"And your name is?" one of the lads, this one with a buzzed head, asked me.

"Phoenix," I replied as confidently as I could despite my newfound jitters.

"Well, Phoenix, I'm Liam," he introduced himself. "This here is Louis," he gestured to the lad sitting next to him.

"I am the Carrot King, and you will bow to me," he pronounced.

"Next to Louis is Zayn," Liam gestured to the raven-haired lad with lots of tattoos.

"VAS HAPPENIN?!" he yelled. That must've been his signature catchphrase or something.

"Next to Zayn is Harry," Liam continued. Harry and I caught eyes for a moment before Liam moved on and he winked at me.

"Finally, over there next to Harry is Niall," Liam said. I looked at Niall, and he was busy on his phone. He must not have been paying attention.

"What?" Niall looked up when he heard his name. Liam gave him a death glare. Was this a normal occurrence?

"What's your name, love?" Niall asked me. I almost melted at the accent. I was a sucker for foreign accents.

"Phoenix," I replied, trying to keep my confidence levels up. Our eyes locked for a second.

"And what song will you be playing for us today?" Liam asked, dashing whatever moment Niall and I may have had.

"I'll be playing 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran," I answered as I began to play.


Niall's POV

This girl! I swear I've been seeing her everywhere. Then she shows up at our audition and plays "Lego House"? Wow, she's talented. After her audition, which was the last one of the day, I couldn't stop raving and raving about her. She was perhaps the best one I'd seen the entire day, if not, the entire trip.

I noticed Harry was driving, which was a bit odd, considering that usually Paul or Liam drove. He missed the turn to go back to the hotel, which really sucked, because I needed my Oreos that were hiding in the cabinet.

"You missed the turn?" I shouted at the curly-haired lad.

"No, he didn't," Liam said, rolling his eyes.

"We're stopping to pick someone up, and then we'll go back to the hotel and get on the bus," Harry said, referring to the tour bus we had taken with us.

"Why didn't I know about this before? I still need to grab the Oreos from the cabinet. Can we also get some food? I'm hungry," I whined.

"I got your Oreos, mate. They're on the bus, waiting to be eaten," Liam reassured me.

"And yes, we can get some food after we pick her and her sister up," Harry answered me.

"You were probably on your phone again when we had this conversation," Zayn sighed while checking his hair in the sun visor mirror.

"There's a HER? With a sister?" I groaned. I knew Harry was going to try to steal her. Louis would probably take the other. I leaned back in my seat, mentally groaning at how terrible my love life was.


Phoenix's POV

"Come on, Kamron! Harry will be here any minute!" I yelled at the base of the stairs. Not long after, I heard the thump-thumping of Kamron and her suitcase running down the hall.

I saw a car pull up and I knew it had to be Harry. With one last longing glance, I snapped the hall light off, grabbing as much as I could, and attempted to get out the door. Harry was already on his way and hurried to the door to help me.

"Thanks," I said, half to myself as he took the bags from me. Kamron had a pretty good handle on her bags, leaving me with just my exploding TARDIS hobo bag. I made sure all the bags were gone, and I shut and locked the front door behind me. It was now official. Minus the furniture, the house was empty. Kamron and I had either eaten or donated what food was left, all our clothes and movies were packed, and I had sold Kris's games and gaming system. The money from that was enough to keep as an emergency fund.

After Harry had gotten out of the van to help us, I wasn't expecting Zayn, Liam, Louis, and Niall to get out and help as well. Louis got Kamron's backpack and suitcase, and I instantly saw her take a liking to the lad. Liam supervised the loading of the van, and Niall, Harry, and Zayn formed an assembly line to help pack the trunk.

When we climbed into the van, I noticed that Kamron was in between Louis, who was making her laugh, and Zayn, who was doing her long brown hair. Liam drove, and Harry was navigating, so that meant I was stuck next to Niall. Because I really didn't want to be social, I plugged in headphones and listened to Hunter Hayes' latest album, "Storyline," closing my eyes and leaning my head against the head rest.


"Should we wake her up?" I heard them talking quietly amongst themselves, even though I was more asleep than awake.

"I'll carry her," Harry's recognizable deep voice said.

"But I wanted to carry her," I heard Niall whine.

"I'll get Kamron's stuff," the one I could picture with the quiff said, allowing Kamron to show him her stuff.

"Can you two lads get the rest of what's in the trunk? I'll open the hatches underneath the bus to put her stuff," the lad with the buzzed head told Niall and that Doncaster lad, Louis.

Author's Note

What do you guys think? Who will Phoenix end up with? Will it be Harry? Niall? Someone else? Who will Kamron become attached to? Zayn? Louis? One of the other lads?





Love you Hopefuls!

Lizzy-Luci :)

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