9-Beginning of Chapter 3

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Euodia destroyed him.

Burned Helios's wings into ash, plucked his beautiful feathers to make a dress that would later grow old with mildew. And there it'd stayed in the wreckage of the castle where she'd been killed: lost, wasted, unused. Her actions had been purely for show— the fierce release of masculine energy, the need to wield power over others, a peacock like demonstration.

Euodia wanted to display her strength over the most desirable Omega in the entire world. She wanted all to know that it was Euodia the Beta that had given him that collar around his neck. That it was Euodia that he submitted to; Euodia that he bowed to; Euodia that he showed his neck, allowing a bite, a claim.

It was all just a performance of her supremacy.

In Euodia's memories, Helios had been fury personified. She could remember his anger, could remember his pain, could remember the gut-wrenching anguish that twisted across his gorgeous features and into his eyes when she'd declared his unjust sedition and then his punishment.

The destruction of a fairy's sacred wings was as good as death. The rape of his being. The obliteration of what made him who he was. The scream he'd let out when they'd ruined him forever had been the sound of the loneliest storm, tears glittering as they fell from his cheeks—stained silver with his magic.

All Helios had done was pick up a little girl, smiled and kissed her cheeks when she had cried from a bad fall. He'd held her for a second too long, but that was enough for Euodia to claim his actions as treason, his service biased, and his attention lacking.

The hatred that lurked beneath golden depths haunted her memories of his name.

The villainess had turned him into a fairy with wings that bled when they moved, crippled him, and made him weak. He would be unable to fly without horrible, gut-wrenching pain for the rest of his life.

And later in equal exchange he'd watched nonchalant and thrilled as her feet were eaten into stubs by rats in a cage. He'd tortured her till bone showed at the surface, polished clean and wet with saliva, piss and decay. He allowed them to crawl over her, allowed them to eat all the soft fleshy bits of her that they could find. In fact, he encouraged it, giggled so hard when they'd found her insides particularly delectable.

The first bite on her clit had made him smile. And he'd sat up straighter, watched closer as they devoured her, as pleasure mixed with pain, as she writhed and screamed with rats deep inside her. The grin that ghosted over his lips had been delirious with joy, the relish more perverted than the looks he'd given her mid-sex.

Those eyes haunted her dreams.

His happiness radiated as if her pain were the best thing he'd ever seen in the world. And that look on his face had told Euodia all that she needed to know—she had broken him just like she had wanted to, and for that it had been Euodia's win.

For that, she had died laughing.

No matter how much Helios hated Euodia, her ghost would hunt him forever. Her presence was etched in the blood that darkened his wings, her voice burned into the pain that flashed hot and sharp over his body. She was with him forever in the darkness of his heart. Every. Single. Day.

Not that it mattered anyway because when Quinn arrived the flesh returned, the nerves grew, but the memories stayed. The knowledge of what Euodia had done remained. And it plagued her with guilt that she could not eradicate.

Their souls were star-crossed lovers destined to fail before they could meet, fated to kill before passion could complete. Only death would lay rest the discord. And only love could end the hatred that would never forgive.

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