29-End of Chapter 9

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There was a shuffle of paper, and she was eased out of the room, with the collar clamped back upon her neck. A stamp smacked upon her upper arm, the wet ink cold on her skin and she shivered. A thin but rough frock was draped over her frame finally concealing her nudity with the end of the medical examination.

Outside, the Alphas in line were growing restless, and she could hear their protests in the shuffle of their feet as they waited in the cold. They were ushered along, whips smacking against their feet. And she moved quickly, trying to avoid the sting of the beating. The tiles seemed to transform as they walked from smooth marble to a grainy rubble. Warmth was beating down upon their eyes, light blooming over her concealed vision.

This time the blind folds were finally removed, and Quinn gasped at the assembly, stifled her surprise behind pursed lips. It was an amphitheatre, an open-air venue of raised tiered seats in an elliptical open-aired structure that spun around an open centre. And what light she had sensed came from the glow of torches and braziers that illuminated the smooth limestone, for they stood at the very bottom under a starry sky.

And seated above them, protected by the soldiers were packs of Omega nobles, each dressed richly in thick furs and covered with masks on their faces. Feasting on dried fruit to glasses of cognac and brandy. The Alphas were the spectacle, and from what she had heard from the doctors already the Omegas were eying their pick, looking for the best Alpha they could feast from.

It was not only the female Alphas of No-Man's town that stood by her side, and she noted now with her eyes sweeping over the group that there were others from the wastelands, and perhaps the cracks within the system of the New Kingdom. Right now, within the vicinity and standing by her side were some of the last remaining freed Alphas of the world.

And the number was far fewer than she'd anticipated, coming up to mere thousand women for what must be tens of thousands of Omegas and more in the city.

At the very top of the circle upon a bed of silk and pillows like Greek Gods or Roman emperors, sat the three men of her nightmares.

A single vampire lounging upon the couch of gold with two others by his side: a fey with silvery wings of gossamer and moonbeams, and one with pure white feathers like an angel no longer dripping with blood. They were dressed simply, did not boast of their status and yet their beauty radiated from their being, God-like and otherworldly.

The three out of the seven kings of the New Kingdom. The three of the seven men that Euodia had wronged.

An enormous wolf laid beside them all, brunette fur turning gold with the flicker of flames. He opened his eyes, yawning sleepily. The clementine that haunted her dreams, the wolf that had struck her down. His eyes glistened, bejewelled the sclera disappeared under a smooth sweep of gold.

Who was he?

As a group, the unabated strength of their power rippled through their surroundings, distorting the air like a heatwave. The divine features of each, so utterly devastating they seemed to almost glow in the light of the fire. Their names danced in her head, sweet and pretty to her ears. Elysian, Solar and Helios. Then her eyes swept to the wolf, and she focused.

And within Quinn something flickered, a dance of heat upon her navel. A rush of cool air across her skin, gooseflesh popping all over. She couldn't quite describe the sudden ringing in her ears as she watched them all, at her heart rate that ascended swiftly, grew so powerful it thundered in her ears. It ate at her insides, boiling at her lower belly and she hissed under her breath begging for strength.

There was a swift click within her chest much like the tug when she'd first seen the angelic fey, but this time far stronger and far stranger than before. Quinn decided that it must be Euodia's fear, it had to be, as she stared at faces too beautiful, the men lounging as if this entire event were a sport.

It might as well have been if they were to be cattle ripe for the picking.

"Welcome," was the clear voice of their benefactor, the vampire of her past.

Elysian sat up from his couch, a smile on his pretty face. His visage replayed upon large screens that floated in the sky. He sipped delicately from a glass; the red liquid was sticky on his lips—blood. He swallowed, a smile on his lips, but there was an emptiness in his eyes as he took a grape from Helios's fingers, crushing it between his teeth. For their ruler, the fruit was fresh, but it didn't seem to satisfy as he took another steady gulp from the glass.

Were they all starving? Her gaze moved towards Helios, stared at the pink of his cheek, but he didn't look any healthier from his days spent in her now lost home, appeared almost a little gaunt. Were all the Omegas in attendance hungry for more than just food? Her eyes moved across the faces, saw nothing in the white masks. But she bit her lips, perhaps they'd left the dens of the Lonely only to become prey for another.

"You've all had a long day, I'm sure. You're waiting for answers," was Elysian's words, smoothly purring across the stadium. There was a soft murmur from the Alphas silenced by a harsh hiss of their collars. "Which I will show you now."

There was a gesture from the vampire, and she watched as the screens flickered, dipping closer and falling lower to reveal a new scene, not one that occurred in the stadium but of a simple dining hall far from where they stood. There were Omega soldiers feasting upon a table. The food was nothing much, but plentiful for the apocalypse, of fresh crusting bread, thick rinds of cheese, dried fruit and oily sausages.

And by their side was a small row of Alphas, knelt like slaves upon the ground, each dressed in a long veil that shielded their faces.

There was a snap of Elysian's fingers and the Alphas moved to each chair, each with their own collar, each with their own torture device. Their eyes were glazed and raw, heated from a Rut and she could see it in their struggle to pounce upon the men. The tremble of their bodies, sweat slipping down crazed looks of lust. But the collar was there to prevent it, a single step out of line was electricity burning across skin. An Alpha whimpered and her throat grew inflamed from the heat.

In Euodia's world, the Omegas would have been flat on the table and fucked so hard there would be blood. But not in this world, in this world the Omegas were in control, eating simply, uncaring of the Alphas. The Omegas finished their meal and with a smooth nod, the Alphas moved forward, bent low with their wrist above their heads at the table, manacles locked into place upon the wood.

For the fey, the Omegas feasted on the Alpha's emotions, tasting the air around their wrist. For the vampires, their fangs pierced into the flesh, drinking blood straight from the source. And for the wolves, their lips drew close to their hands, nibbling and marking the skin, tasting the sweat of their palm. They did this slowly, chatted and laughed as they ate, ignoring the pain of the Alphas.

And finally, they were done. There was excitement in the women's eyes, a bristle of joy as they seemed to tremble within their shackles. Their bodies crawling forward and kneeling before an Omega, each at their feet.

Quinn stared, horrified as the table of Omegas turned, unzipping their fly and Quinn resisted the urge to retch, felt herself grow colder with fear. The Omegas leaned forward each with a thick heavy cock that sprang free. But it was not an orgasm that they searched for or rape that they wanted no. They wouldn't give an Alpha, could never allow them to be touched again.

She watched disgusted as the Alphas produced a contraption from their belts, a funnel like tool that they placed upon their tongue with a nice little wedge for a cock. Quinn's eyes widened, felt herself shake with horror. They were like a toilet, like a goddamn fucking toilet.

The Omegas continued, unbothered, smiling and laughing as they let a steady stream of yellow that the Alphas drank, throats bobbing just as docile and wanting. Their eyes round with their pleasure, cheeks pink with the joy of being able to taste an Omega. And then when finished, they knelt lower, some lapping at what was left on the ground that had spilled on their dresses.

Their reward for their Rut, she understood, was Omega urine.

What the fuck.

And they wanted it, she knew they wanted it. Could see them, could see the quiver of their clits hot and heavy and bulging through the robe. There was outrage from her group, from the Alphas that lived in freedom in the wastelands, disgust peaking.

They were to be slaves, animals that knelt at their feet, bathrooms that drank piss. No longer people, no longer women. This was worse than anything she'd ever imagine. There was a roar from an Alpha in the crowd, the women were screaming, did not care of the shockwaves that burned along their throats.

"This is outrageous! We're no animals."

"We're here to help you! We don't want this!"

"Omegas are born to be for Alphas, we should be the ones in the chair—"

There was a flash, a rush of smoke, a growl as Helios pounced upon the female that spoke out of line, wings outstretched. With a swipe of his claws, Quinn watched as her throat was ripped open, blood spewing as her sinews stretched and broke, organs falling out of the torn meat. And God, the body worked to stay whole, the muscles pulling but Helios tore through it all the tendons snapping, blue and red ropes of rubbery tubes bursting with misty blood.

The Alpha gurgled, fell upon the ground as the angel of death smiled, licking his lips, seemed to taste her emotions with relish. He was no longer the sweet baby she'd met in the room, but a monster. And she knew that as she huddled into herself, looked everywhere but his eyes as he surveyed the rest.

Why had Quinn saved him? Why hadn't she left him in the cold to die?

"Good riddance," he sneered, voice melodic as he spoke, wiping his claws with a sniff, the long fingers growing smaller as he inspected his nails.

Another snarl bellowed from a crowd beside her, and a second Alpha was left bloodied and weeping with limbs torn from her body. Her bones exposed into the air as the remains of her arms were splattered across the floor. Her blood was oozing all over the floor as medics arrived with a spell, working to keep her alive. The wolf crept forward, mouth bloodied as he steadily transformed, fingers flying over a robe to cloth his naked body.

The wolf was Rowan.

Rowan with olive skin and glistening abs stained in blood. Rowan with a face of carved beauty, a sharp jawline, and features just as godly as his pack. Rowan with a face so exquisite, it had made Euodia pause in her attempts to kill him. Euodia had spelled him with the inability to orgasm, something that should kill any Omega. But he remained, alive and smiling.

"You were so quick my love." Rowan crooned, a sweet baritone voice that rippled across the field, and she felt fear drift through her. "Blood thirsty?"

"These Alphas don't know their place," was Helios's answer his voice so fucking low for his lilt that it had shivers running through her body. She didn't know who he was, couldn't recognise the devil with the purest of wings. He didn't seem like he cared about Alphas anymore. "I'll kill another just to taste that fear."

"But you know we've got limited supply," was Rowan teasing laugh, the baritone boisterous in the night, echoing across the room.

But no one in the fields of Alphas were laughing, none could speak with such a powerful presence standing before them like grim reapers from hell. The Omegas were however, smiling with pleased looks on their faces. Each with their own horrific torturous past under the hands of Alphas. It seemed that they were all plagued by their demons and Quinn who was innocent to it all was now caught in the crossfire.

"That one was a defect and old. F-rank with diseases, wouldn't have needed her," Helios shoved a boot against the Alpha's twitching body, feet crushing her heart. "Fucking lunatic had so much talk and no bite."

"We'll cut off the tongues and limbs of the rest," Rowan purred, hands twisting around the crimson haired boy's waist ruffling the white feathers, a little bloody from the attack. "That way, a pack can still use them. Limbless and unable to speak." His eyes flickered the clementines zeroing in upon each face. She tilted her head down, unable to look.

Fuck. Quinn hissed; she was so fucked.

"You understand now?" Solar called from above, as they returned to his side with a laugh. His voice a cheery giggle. "You are no guest here, not one of you are. We know what you've all done. No woman that stayed in the wastelands and lived in hiding is innocent. All of you were murderers, rapists and paedophiles sent out into the world to die. You don't deserve an ounce of respect from us. And you'd be thankful if we treat you kindly because frankly speaking, you should be dead."

Solar snorted, shaking his head. Elysian chuckled; the laughter sharp in the air. "Each Alpha will be assigned work, trained to be obedient and then auctioned to a willing pack that will take you criminals in. You will all work to earn your keep and you will feed my Omegas." His smile grew, eyes glowing crimson. "Perhaps you'd think of this as the most derogatory position. But I assure you the Omegas experiencing Rut find this to be the most pleasing reward. Warm piss and the direct feeding of an Omega is that all we'll provide for your Ruts." Elysian hissed, "be good to your pack, and you might get something better."

"Be good and you might live."


A/N: Read ahead on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/tinyeyecat

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