8- End of Chapter 2

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She was also much too afraid that they'd recognise her, learn of her identity for friends to happen let alone a lover to suck faces with. Anyway, it didn't take long for the machine to notify her on what exactly she'd found in her loot.

"Dildos!" she'd snorted. "Fantastic. The Omegas might dig this if it isn't melting from radiation." She turned the virtual hologram of the box this way and that. "Guess Alphas could use this during their ruts." She shrugged. "Who knows?"

Quinn wouldn't know, she didn't know shit about Ruts or Heat cycles.

The good thing about Euodia was that she was a Beta and she'd been pretty much a normal human being. While she did have a better sense of smell, she didn't have Ruts like the other females—periods of time in which she should be begging for something to fuck so that she could reproduce and create a gazillion babies with a sweet Omega.

This brought her to the second perk of being a Beta.

Quinn did not salivate over Omega ass like it could be her last meal in the world, growing weak and hungry for them over the years. She'd seen the other Alphas whine and moan over the lack of breeding Omegas in town, had seen them grow crazed with talk over how it had been like during her rule.

When it was women first before men, and they'd been allowed to take the Omegas whenever and wherever they wanted. It was fucking disgusting, but they did look increasingly sick with each passing year.

The drone made quick work to return to her, its plunder enclosed within its frame. Soot whizzed towards her, a boxy floating space craft that spewed blue flame, stopping short before her to proudly reveal the treasures it had found.

She opened one of the plastic boxes, surprised by the quality of the fake veiny flesh. A quick tap on the silicon told her that while it had grown soft from time, the body-safe toy was surprisingly still pretty intact and pretty damn fuckable. She smiled already hearing the sound of dollar bills flooding her account.

It wasn't as if the New World didn't have dildos or sex toys.

They'd advanced quite quickly once they'd cleaned up the bits from the war. But she guessed it just wasn't the same as the ones they used to make when they had more material and resources to expend on. She could also always count on the rich people and their strange, deranged hobby of displaying vintage vulgar items in their homes.

So this would sell for a pretty penny as an art form.

"Nice work," she slapped the drone and it hummed, the metallic skeleton vibrating in the sun. "Much better than the mouldy cans of curry you found this morning." She squinted at her surroundings, now really taking note of the exterior. "Must be a red-light district, or some sex toy outlet. Would be nice if we could find some drugs. That'll get me more credits than I can count and then you can get an entire overhaul for greater bandwidth or maybe a little brother. Anything to keep my lazy ass on this seat."

It spat out smoke and filth, the black flecks wafted before her staining her clothes, and she grimaced waving a hand.

"I'd have to fix you first Soot," she scowled, tapped at its frame and her fingertips sizzled with sparks of electricity—a sign of her magic working to repair its interior. Already, she'd found the problem—overheat from the sun. "You might explode one day, and then I'd be royally fucked with shit to haul all the way back to town. Or I could lose my face, wouldn't that be nice?"

Soot didn't respond.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Can't lose Euodia that easily, totally need a plastic surgeon and a whole scent gland transplant."

It didn't matter because the weather changed so rapidly and horribly that she shot ramrod straight in her seat, her eyes turned skywards to the clouds.

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