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"Where do you want me?"

Elysian had stood in Euodia's bedroom, naked and waiting for hours with the cold biting into his flesh, seeping into his bones. The candlelight had flickered and danced, revealing tanned skin that stretched over a too thin body. And then the lifeless, aqua eyes that were cast away from hers. He was ashamed.

Euodia did that to him, the broken stare, the tearful gaze, the shivering stance.

Euodia had no interest in his body. She was a Beta that did not sport the monster in her pants that the other women seemed to have. And she had no Ruts to be soothed. But that too had broken Elysian's spirit, his reason to live scattered into the wind, his only form of currency was useless to Euodia.

She didn't need him, not when she had so many others perched at her arm—Helios and Solar.

"Elysian," she'd been cold, a snort vibrating free. She turned, flung the feathery coat of Helios's wings onto the ground. In the glow of candlelight, her mind had lingered on the image of his thick, pretty and flaccid cock. The imagery stayed long enough for Quinn to remember its shape, its pink flesh, the generous girth. It had been ugly to Euodia, too big for an Omega. "You can leave."

"A-Am I not good enough, for you?" There was a tremble in his voice, it stretched higher, grew pitched. "What do you want me to do? M-my people—" He choked back a sob as he stumbled forth, knees buckling as he fell to the ground. "D-do I no longer please you? A-am I too ugly?"

The people of this world believed that Elysian was a repulsive man for a husband. He was too grotesque with his too muscular, too tall, and too broad body. But looking back Quinn could only remember his beauty in the disgust that tainted Euodia's memories.

"You should leave."

"P-please, my people, they need this."

Elysian had sank to his knees, and for a moment black met pure, crystal blue. His eyes searched hers, tears filling gentle blue. Elysian was exquisite in his symmetrical handsome beauty. The people of this time might not appreciate his frame or the muscles that curved over thin, fatless skin. But Quinn did, and Quinn dreamt of his face, the pretty swell of the most kissable lips, the divine arch of a gorgeous nose. The wet, dreamy eyes.

Elysian had been whimpering. "I know I do not please you but at the very least, my people will idolise you, worship you if you just helped them. We do not need much, just the use of the trade routes would be enough for my—"

"And why should I help you?" she'd raised a brow, smirk on her lips. Euodia had been a menace that night, breath stained with the barbequed stench of crisped meat, while Elysian had merely lapped at the remains of rat blood. "Why should I help them when you're the most useless Omega I've ever met? You can give me nothing. Nothing."

"Use me!" he'd begged, bawled with fat tears on his cheeks. "Do what you want, anything you want. I will comply, I promise. Anything." He'd kissed her shoes, but to that she'd merely kicked him away. His body sprawled across the wood, weak and shaking. A red bruise growing on his cheek.

"Give out the order to the press naked," she'd whispered, soft a smile on her lip. Euodia had flourished her hands, laughing. "Prince Elysian has failed to seduce the Princess with his ugly body. The trade routes will be dissolved. The North will no longer protect the South." He'd whimpered at her words, and she only crouched with a crazed smirk. "Do it, and I might save a few of your Omegas. Perhaps," she'd quirked her head, "even your family?"

The next day Elysian had stood sobbing and naked on the balcony as he broadcasted her words to his people. It took only a week for the kingdom of the South to fall, and for the North to sweep up the broken pieces, along with the remains of Elysian's once kind and loving heart.

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