51: End of Chapter 16

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But a bell sounded, loud and ringing. A rush and the Alphas were moving from the space, fleeing out. Doors were opened and through them was the tantalizing smell of food—roasting meat, crisping herbs and the sizzle of potatoes. And Quinn turned her eyes to Xin who bothered to stay.

"What's going on?"

"It's the dinner bell," Xin explained, "it's a feast today. We don't usually do this. But just follow me and stay quiet."

She left without a word and Quinn ambled quickly behind her. The doors opened and before her was a large group of Omegas sitting on simple benches before long wooden tables, clad in uniforms of thin long-sleeved shirts and thick cargo pants.

Quinn had never experienced such a space, had never once been in a room filled with perfuming Omegas. And it was the smell that surprised her, the sweetest scent of Omega that spun thick in the air, a rush of creams, juices, syrups and flowers.

They were laughing loudly, uncaring of the women, not a hint of worry on their faces. And the Alphas didn't seem to mind the scent, seemed used to the onslaught of pheromones. And they worked over each section; food dished out quickly into their plates. The quality of it was significantly better than Quinn's own meat—some kind of bird, potatoes, and cheese.

And before them all like some sort of medieval tavern, was a large roaring hearth and a slow roasting boar, spinning on its spit, globules of fire spinning free as fat sizzled and dripped, skin crisping into a gorgeous red.

But no one touched that meat, and Quinn watched Livia stand by it, fur coat gone, and cheeks flushed red from the heat. And she sliced it carefully onto plates placed carefully on a small table at the head of this party. A table with two empty seats and groaning with far more luxurious food than the rest.

And the luxury showed in its bountiful supply. The plates of crispy potatoes, bowls of beans, sausages, and a whole rind of yellow cheese. A pretty golden apple pie still steaming from the oven with a crispy crust. There was even a jug of pickles, green, fat and full, and a dish of greens. Garden weeds, of course, things like dandelions and mallow, but it had Quinn really staring.

No one had access to all that in this climate that burned cold.

Only Quinn did with Float which only proved that Hemlock was rich enough to transport it via a teleport zone. And regardless of the fact that they seemed like a page out of an old historical tavern. They had the money to pay for food.

She stood at the back, lightly bowed as the Alphas made quick work to lay out the food, dishing out potatoes into plates, handing out mugs of alcohol. And she felt the eyes of the Omegas on her, the drag of curiosity. And Quinn only felt out of place, standing with her crutch like an animal in the zoo. But the clatter of the doors was what had them all freezing, eyes turned towards the rush of snow fluttering into the hall.

Two Omegas entered. One dressed richly in furs that billowed around him, like a king. A smile on his lips, a scar down his face.

The captain.

And the other was familiar, a dark mask stretching from his nose and to his eyes, clad in black. His hair curled pretty around his face, and he turned his eyes locking with hers. The darkness of it was never-ending shiver that ran up her spine. She didn't need Xin to tell him who he was to know.

This was Z.

He took his seat at the head table with the captain, and the Alphas were now on their knees. And she took it as a sign to drop down too. Her head to the ground, struggling as her leg screamed. But her eyes widened as hands wrapped around her, there was a pulse. A tug in her chest that felt strange, as her eyes fluttered upwards to the cheery voice and the delicious scent of cookies.

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