18-Beginning of Chapter 6

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The bark of laughter that escaped her throat was too loud and too awkward. She stifled it down with the last of her food. The once crispy bread, dripping with oily sauce and fatty meat, was now ash on her tongue. The confidence in her smile was false, and she felt the rise of heat in her body, the sweat that pooled, the tightness of her chest. It all engulfed her like a tsunami of awareness.

Quinn snorted but caught the look in his eyes. Haughty, serious, and pissed. And then he was the devil, her heart's latest obsession, curls growing wild and flaming. Eyes so sly and so goddamn crazy, she had her head screaming in deadly warning. His, could be an immoral sort of need that would only change once he realised the truth of her identity.

Helios would mark her in his moment of stupidity, but a moment was enough in his Heat.

And good God was he buzzing with the beginnings of Heat, dripping with slick so sweet it caught in her throat. Quinn could ignore it, could take each gulp of oxygen through lips that did not smell. But the tendrils of his want wafted up to her nose, and the memory of his caramel chained her to his feet.

It was only the experiences of her previous life, the knowledge of what it was like to not be a sex-starved being, that kept her sane. But it didn't stop the flush that flooded her cheeks, warm pink that refused to go from the angel that had pressed himself to her back and refused to let go.

Quinn had seen marked Alphas, had seen the way they paced about the room almost on the edge of their seat. They were the ones scratching at their necks till the leftovers of a bite grew bloody and scarred; the ones that consumed alcohol like water and drugs like food.

The ones that had their souls dripping from their eyes and their bodies a ragged shell of themselves.

A bite from him would be worse than death.

And while the taste of her had quelled his pre-Heat, it would soon blossom into a fiery need. And lord, she didn't know if she had the power to withhold herself from touching him, didn't know if she could stand in his presence at his full force.

Quinn might be a Beta, but this was her first Omega after all.

"You're crazy, boy," she mumbled, wiped her lips with a tissue. Her fingers twitched; rapid blinks were all she could afford to reveal the nerves from an erratic desire to flee. In her head she was spinning with methods to keep him calm, sedated. Her hands moved to a jar; the porcelain was white with painted blue flowers. When her fingers lifted the lid, they shook. "Crazy, crazy boy."

"You're ours," he growled, voice slurring with the last of his bread, "you taste like mine. You'd fit so nicely in the pack covered in our scent." He licked bubble lips, swollen, moist flesh so damn kissable it hurt not to lavish them in the attention they deserved. Then turned golden eyes on her. "You smell like fruit."

"I'm yours because I smell like fruit?" Her incredulity bubbled free from her throat, but he staunched that with a wave of his hand.

"You smell like you'd fit," he sighed. His pupils moved upwards, vanished beneath fluttering lids, a warm breath escaping plump lips. The threads of heat spooling skywards. A cum face was what he deemed necessary to explain his want for her, and her fingers tightened around the handle of her cup. "Perfectly."

And she knew he wasn't lying because in his daze his honesty showed clear in the citrine of his eyes. He confirmed that her scent gland had changed, that there was a possibility for a new start. Her genetics might remain as the fallen princess, but parts of her were shifting to become uniquely Quinn.

Perhaps, she could truly call herself a distant cousin of Euodia's. The hope was astounding, fluttered through her like wildfire and grasped at her throat. To be freed from the sins of her body, it would break her ties from this world. She could be just Quinn. And that was what she wanted more than anything in this new world.

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